whale with a warning 包含1605个检索结果
ocean in the world. This whale is famous for its singing. In the 1960s, humpback whales living... government banned commercial (商业的) whale hunting and worked to protect the animal, ABC News reported ……
A whale's (鲸鱼的) heart beats (跳动) only nine times a minute. ……
The tongue (舌头) of a blue whale (蓝鲸) is as long as an elephant. ……
Whale: Hey woman, let’s play a game.Woman: OK, what game do you want to play?Whale: How about shadow (影子) game?Woman: What’s that?Whale: It’s easy. The only thing you should do is to say what I’ve ……
顶桔子的白鲸LOOK at this white whale (白鲸). It is putting on a show in an aquarium (海洋馆) in Japan. The whale has to keep the orange on its head. What a difficult job! ……
难度:简单字母a发音/eI/Jake’s taleThis is Jake.Jake makes waves (波浪).A whale is in the waves.Is Jake safe?Yes, a whale came to play.Whales make big waves.They like the same game. ……
A blue whale’s tongue (舌头) weighs (重) more than an elephant. A blue whale’s tongue (舌头) weighs (重) more than an elephant. ……
A blue whale’s heart weighs (重) up to 907 kg.A blue whale’s heart weighs (重) up to 907 kg. ……
发现世界最稀有的鲸鱼发现世界最稀有的鲸鱼 This is a spade-toothed whale (铲齿中喙鲸). It washed up dead on a beach in New Zealand. The whale looks a bit like a dolphin. It is the rarest whale in the world. People ……
(底部). Scientists have a name for this: a whale fall (鲸落). In March, Chinese scientists discovered (发现) a whale fall in the South China Sea (中国南海). This is the first whale fall ever found in China.  ……
(底部). Scientists have a name for this: a whale fall (鲸落). In March, Chinese scientists discovered (发现) a whale fall in the South China Sea (中国南海). This is the first whale fall ever found in China.  ……
The heart of a blue whale is as big as a small car. Itstongue(舌头) is as long as an elephant. ……
Longest nosesLook at the blue whale (鲸). Its nose is five meters long. Blue whales have the longest noses in the world. ……
A narwhal (独角鲸), a type of whale, uses its tusk (长牙) to feel changes in the weather. ……
The blue whale is the world’s largest mammal (哺乳动物). Its tongue is as heavy as a female (雌性) elephant. ……
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