view from a hot air balloon 包含99163个检索结果
. For those who love adventure, there was also the chance to ride a hot air balloon and enjoy an amazing view... the chance to ride a hot air balloon and enjoy an amazing view of the whole city. ……
to ride a hot air balloon and enjoy an amazing view (视野) of the whole city.The festival also gave... Balloon Festival (卡塔尔热气球节) turned Doha into a wonderful world of hot air balloons.In December 2024 ……
Hot Air Balloon Festival began in Leon, Mexico. Hot air balloon lovers from all over the world came...热气球的盛会。HOW did people fly before there were airplanes (飞机)? Hot air balloons (热气球)! The big balloon ……
为什么热气球会飞?Hot air rises5. A heater (加热器) fills the balloon with hot air. So the balloon rises, too. ……
飞舞吧,热气球!How big this hot air balloon is! This balloon is in the Bristol International Balloon.... About 140 balloon experts come here from around the world. They bring their best balloons.Look ……
.“康复,痊愈”可以说 be cured of an illness。此外,类似的短语还有recover from an illness或者be restored to health等。hot air balloon crash热气球事故A total of 19 tourists, including nine from Hong Kong, were killed in a hot air ……
in the basket and look down on the ground. In the hot air balloon, everything was under my view... a friend who owns a hot air balloon, I had the opportunity to help launch (释放) the balloon and have ……
墨西哥热气球节,数百气球齐升空。DON’T be afraid. This is not the bad guy from the movie Star Wars (《星球大战》). It is a hot-air balloon (气球) at the International Balloon Festival. The festival started on Nov 19 ……
定制属于你的个性热气球。WHY is the train flying? In fact, it’s a hot air balloon (热气球)! A British company (公司) made it. It can make great hot air balloons in all shapes (形状), from Coca-Cola bottles to space ……
air balloon. You will need to wait for a sunny day with no wind. Shake open a large, dark, plastic... go up because the hot air is lighter than the same amount (数量) of cool air. The trick (窍门) to heating ……
a hot air balloon. You will need to wait for a sunny day with no wind. Shake open a large, dark, plastic... go up because the hot air is lighter than the same amount (数量) of cool air. The trick (窍门 ……
;In the charming city of Leon, Mexico, the 21st International Hot Air Balloon Festival unfolded on Nov 17... flight and creativity.In the charming city of Leon, Mexico, the 21st International Hot Air Balloon ……
‘Rooster’ takes off飞起来的“公鸡”Switzerland (瑞士) holds the International Hot Air Balloon Event (国际热气球比赛). The “rooster” is a hot air balloon. Over 80 balloons from 20 countries take part in (参加) the event ……
(吹起) the balloon!WHY?The hot water warms (加热) the air of the bottle. The hot air rushes into (冲进...气球被吹起来了What you need:a balloona bottlea cup or bowl hot waterWhat to do:1.把气球的开口套在空瓶子的瓶颈上。2.Ask ……
a world record!Where does this man stand? He stands on top of a hot air balloon! He is Remi Ouvrard from...站在热气球上看世界!站在热气球上看世界! Where does this man stand? He stands on top of a hot air balloon ……
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