the ‘write’ way to communicate 包含44482个检索结果
的). It is a more special, personal way to communicate (交流) than e-mail. And people can put them on the refrigerator...NOWADAYS, people hardly write letters, right? But many still send holiday cards in the US. Each ……
”, emojis are found everywhere as a simple and fun way to communicate. The year 2015 saw a rise...“笑cry”表情获评年度词汇。IF you’ve ever been stuck for what to write in a text message and simply sent an ……
WHEN we talk or write, we communicate with someone in particular. We have specific purposes and specific audiences in mind as we speak or write. That is the core idea of English for Specific Purposes ……
know what it means. It is a good way to remember what our ancestors (祖先) left us.Wang Qing, 15, from... and many other places are still using them. When we communicate with people there, it could cause some ……
can call them by phone. We don’t need to communicate with them in such an indirect way.... on the zone. I can also know more about them if they write something on their QQ zones. We can both ……
contest. Students were asked to write an article about the inspiration they get from Yang’s hard work on her way to stardom. Some Internet users consider it inappropriate to include entertainment stars ……
of learning English as a means of preparing yourself to communicate with people from all over the world.Learning another foreign language is a way of enjoying foreign cultures and finding out more about ……
to communicate, they had to write letters. The letters reached faraway places by boat or by a wagon... idea. Signals could be sent a long way over an electric wire (电线). If you lived in America, you could ……
. If people wanted to communicate, they had to write letters. The letters reached faraway places by boat... a great idea. Signals (信号) could be sent a long way over an electric wire (电线). If you lived in America ……
opportunities to write Chinese characters by hand. Some people even believe that we don’t have to write well. Do you think good handwriting is necessary?参与学校:太原外国语学校组织学生:张艺弋YesDong Zhuojun, 15:In my ……
conversation in real time may eventually give way to these easier screen communications. For example, the same way that killing, skinning and butchering an animal to eat has been replaced …… 2009年03月08日
?Will Buckingham: Writing is simply another way that human beings communicate. So I would say – communicate... Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers (《恋人版中英词典》): I write about China both in Chinese and English. I don ……
’t a guarantee (保证) of a place. The essay shows the college that you have the ability to write in English as well as to test well in English. This is your chance to communicate to the admissions committee ……
't a guarantee (保证) of a place. The essay shows the college that you have the ability to write your story in English as well as to test well in English. This is your opportunity to communicate ……
to be the only way to communicate. Now with e-mail, the number of people who send letters and use stamps has... to write addresses (地址) the same way. This set up the Universal Postal Union that still exists today. ……
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