stay in the saddle 包含11987个检索结果
in the saddle (P6)Choose the best answer:1. The underlined phrase “picked on” in the article probably means ……
某方面的机会没有了。Clegg spoke of correcting the path chosen by Cameron by getting “back into the saddle”.Back into the saddle表示“重新回到马鞍上”,比喻重新夺回控制权。 ……
. It requires riders to stay calm and find rapid solutions. “You need to be alert (留心的) to the condition... in all aspects – I check up his diet, bathing and saddle (马鞍) position to make sure he’s comfortable ……
骑得高,走得远骑得高,走得远How tall is this bike? Its saddle (车座) is 1.7 meters off the ground. Alex Sidney from... bike.How tall is this bike? Its saddle (车座) is 1.7 meters off the ground. Alex Sidney from Italy made ……
, but no chain (链条), brake (刹车) or pedals (踏板). Also, the handles are near the saddle (车座). You just ……
first time on the horse. We rode4 without a saddle (马鞍). I was afraid at first. Our teacher said …… 2008年06月09日
like a horse’s saddle (马鞍), according to a report by Jesus Diaz on fastcodesign.com. The seats take ……
doesn't go to school and never has. Egypt is a very poor country. Even though children should stay.... Girls are not allowed to do the work. Sayeed will sit on the largewool saddle(羊毛鞍) with any ……
saddle (车座) is 1.7 meters off the ground. Alex Sidney from Italy made it by combining two bikes. He... cultures. This encouraged (鼓励) me to hit the road (上路),” he said.How tall is this bike? Its saddle (车座 ……
A: It will stay lit for the whole Games. ……
of the French. The 18-year-old was not hurt and was quickly back in the saddle, but his efforts were ……
. There was a heavy rain last week in New Jersey, US. Water from the Saddle River came into the town ……
Waka WakaYou’re a good soldierChoosing your battlesPick yourself upAnd dust yourself offGet back in the saddle (鞍)You’re on the front lineEveryone’s watchingYou know it’s seriousWe are getting ……
Waka WakaYou’re a good soldierChoosing your battlesPick yourself upAnd dust yourself offGet back in the saddle (鞍)You’re on the front lineEveryone’s watchingYou know it’s seriousWe are getting ……
. “Consequently, I’ve moved up.”Back on track表示“回到正常轨道”。相似的表达还有back in the game/saddle,意思上更强调“经过一段时间的暂停之后”,而 ……
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