space neighborhood 包含8997个检索结果
by cleaning up an empty lot (一块地) in their neighborhood.The students are from Buchtel High School... into a space that will improve the mental (心理的) and emotional health of the people who live near ……
这群中学生用巧思妙想,让荒芜杂乱的社区空地大变身。If there was an empty lot (一块地) in your neighborhood, what would you want....The students go to Buchtel High School in Akron, Ohio. The empty lot in their neighborhood used ……
芜杂乱的社区空地大变身。If there was an empty lot (一块地) in your neighborhood, what would you want to turn... to Buchtel High School in Akron, Ohio. The empty lot in their neighborhood used to be messy, full of grass ……
If you visit Philadelphia’s Southwest Center City neighborhood in the US, you will see window boxes... of the ideas of architecture is to create space,” said Marut. “Witnessing how you can transform an outdoor ……
and start playing, the competition and the virtual space allow them to lose their self-consciousness... having dinner in the neighborhood. ……
, live in the neighborhood and longed for a spot to buy new books from. So they came up with a plan and poured their savings and sweat into making it happen.u“We were in that space every day for a year ……
我们的社区是一个充满生机和活力的地方。OUR neighborhood (社区) is beautiful, lively and safe.In the spring, the sun shines brightly and the weather gets warmer. The trees and grass begin to turn green in our neighborhood ……
deal?No spaceship has ever visited Pluto. The Hubble Space Telescope can’t even give scientists an... Horizons *propels through space at about 50,000 kilometers per hour. Two years after its launch, it entered ……
-old helps grow them on campus in an urban neighborhood filled with car repair shops and fast food..., peas and beets (甜菜). The garden was started four years ago by The Los Angeles Neighborhood Land ……
国际空间站为人类搭建探索太空的桥梁。ONE night, you are taking a walk in your neighborhood. Suddenly, you see a star... be true. But there could be another answer: the International Space Station (ISS,国际空间站), the third ……
in your neighborhood or school.Follow these tips to start a book drive in your neighborhood or school..., storage space for the collected books and flyers to advertise your drive.Organize your materials. You ……
time is transformed into space. They combine the cultural and natural aspects of a place, creating a useful and beneficial public space.Studying at the University of Toronto, I have an advantage ……
in the La Seu neighborhood of Palma de Mallorca, home to its main monuments.Here the city council has... deemed an *eyesore.But losing that parking space has forced many families living in the area’s narrow ……
closed for more than a decade. Haman Cross III, a Chicago artist and teacher, invited 40 neighborhood... space. They added bridges and hills, fish ponds and mini lampposts (路灯柱). As for the mini golf course ……
and converted the other two to roundabouts under a "shared space" scheme. At junctions, cyclists.... "The idea is to create space where there is mild anxiety among everyone so they all behave ……
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