sold out 包含59304个检索结果
People magazine says Johnny Depp is the sexiest man alive because he hasn't sold out. He's a Hollywood star and no longer a bad boy. So, what's he really like? See page 13 for more. ……
1.“Sorry, sir, the tickets are all sold out.”“对不起,先生,票都卖完了。”2.“Sorry, sir, the tickets are all sold out.”“对不起,先生,票都卖完了。”3.“Take lots and lots of photos, son!”“儿子,使劲儿照, 多照点儿照片!”4.“Now come with me ……
in Africa. The 10,500 tickets sold out within minutes when they went on sale on September 1... that we all made it work.”Sell out是“卖光、售完”的意思,即be entirely sold; be bought until no more ……
company My 1st Years, which makes personalized (个性化的) baby gifts, quickly sold out after the 2-year-old... for it & it’s already sold out.”Other things George was wearing, including his shoes, also sold out.George, who is third ……
company My 1st Years, which makes personalized (个性化的) baby gifts, quickly sold out after the prince... it posted a photo of the meeting online. “You guys have gone crazy for it & it’s already sold out ……
, if a passenger wanted to travel to a far away place but direct tickets were sold out, they had... are sold out. China’s train ticket booking system, 12306, has introduced an in-train seat exchange ……
match between Senegal and France have sold out. ……
斯威夫特中国开唱,演唱会门票破销售记录。HOW popular is Taylor Swift in China? The US pop singer is going to perform (表演) in Shanghai on May 30. All 18,000 tickets for the concert sold out in just one minute! It has ……
. The group has gotten so popular that tickets for the concerts are already sold out. ……
last week. The 6,000-seat venue was sold out. The concert was delayed for half an hour, but when the first note rang out from Xu's guitar, the audience erupted into applause.Bad week for:Xiangxiang ……
On February 16, Kunming Daily published the phone numbers of all senior government officials in the city and surrounding districts. This issue of the paper quickly sold out throughout the city ……
, with nearly all tickets already sold out. He also revealed that he is going to take a break ……
, 'I'd better buy some for myself' and I couldn't. They were totally sold out," he told the Daily ……
错失良机Jacky: Ella, where did you buy these cookies? I want to buy some too.Ella: You missed the boat. They sold out today.“误了上船的时间”是什么意思呢?它的意思是失去了一个好机会。Jacky想买Ella买的饼干,但是今天已经卖光了,也就是错失良机了。21ST ……
. Similarly, some daily necessities (必需品) in Italy are sold out. In some supermarkets in Japan, toilet and tissue paper is sold out.抢购 panic buyingThe outbreak of the novel coronavirus has caused ……
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