school in canada is so different 包含91747个检索结果
of secondary school is totally different from what Chinese students experience.In China, high school... in universities is also different. In Canada, first year students don’t have to take classes according ……
. In the assemblies, different guidance counselors (指导顾问) have different duties. Take my school for example. Some... problems about their application.Moreover, the school invites representatives (代表) from different ……
, and the other in winter, from January to February. However, in Canada, things are a little bit different. There are three major holidays in most Canadian schools – in spring, winter, and summer ……
different countries and not just English-speaking countries like Canada and New Zealand, but also...Surviving in a world of many accentsDear Simon,I am a middle school student and I like English very ……
加拿大加强语言培训监督 教学质量标准统一化
that apply equally to all public and private schools in Canada. To qualify, a school is evaluated...加拿大最新成立的国家级语言培训课程组织Languages Canada将统一该国语言培训质量标准,从课程设置、师资力量、教学条件等方面衡量各学校语言培训的实力。此举 …… 2008年04月27日
). But our school doesn't have a philosophy course. So I study in an online philosophy course...网络课程为我带来学习新体验。词数 267 建议阅读时间 8分钟 课件及教案见网站 测试见7版 HIGH schools in Ontario, Canada, offer some special ……
through the US and Canada. Earlier this month, our school went on a hiking trip to this beautiful place... Canadian. I immigrated to Canada when I was 10. I am a ninth-grader at Unionville High School ……
: “If the British won the fight for Canada, then why do Canadians have to learn French in school... won the fight for Canada, then why do Canadians have to learn French in school?” French ……
land, so I didn’t want to waste my time in Canada.Some of my classmates at the summer school chose...; attended the summer school program at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in 2009Quite a few ……
of life. Canada, rather, is made up of different cultures. Canadians strongly believe...“枫叶之国”加拿大因具有极强的文化包容性而被称为“马赛克之国”。词数 270 建议阅读时间 4分钟 WHEREVER you go in Canada, particularly ……
city names are: Moose Jaw, Blow Me Down, Saint-Louis-Du-Ha-Ha.What is school life like in Canada?We... school. We can join different clubs. On weekends, we do volunteer (志愿者) work or develop our own ……
, Billy Jin. I am 13 years old. My family moved to Canada from Shenzhen, China, when I was 3.I find one of the biggest differences between living in Canada and in China is the space. In Canada ……
想知道加拿大高中生的生活是什么样的?有什么样的挑战?听解元为大家一一道来吧!SCHOOL life is very different here from China... have to complete at least 100 hours of work experience.For those who have finished school, Canada ……
: “If the British won the fight for Canada, then why do Canadians have to learn French in school...’s stories. As he describes, the French and the English both tried different ways to colonize (殖民) Canada ……
of the world. This is my future self. Zhang Chengzhi, 12, Citadel Middle School, Vancouver, Canada... future self. Zhang Chengzhi, 12, Citadel Middle School, Vancouver, Canada ……
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