prepare early to avoid disasters 包含18093个检索结果
扩大词汇量是提高英语阅读能力的一个重要环节。今后小编将每期为大家精心挑选两组分类词汇,希望能够助你一臂之力!Emergency(Prepare early to avoid disasters, P2)urgent adj. 紧急的immediately adv. 立刻rescue n. 挽救security n. 安全risk n./v. 风险,冒险first aid 急救panic n ……
to avoid similar disasters. It has seen rapid development of nuclear power technology since the early 1990s... all the experiences and lessons from these accidents to avoid similar disasters. It has seen rapid ……
such disasters? How can emergency and crisis situations be managed to control their impact? Crisis... will be solved. People need to know what will be done to remedy the situation.6. Prepare for the consequences ……
called on everyone to prepare for natural disasters to maintain the security of major rivers, large... started early. Shaanxi Province has been hit by unusually high temperatures.Sunday was the ninth ……
善始者善终This year I’m determined to prepare methodically (系统地) for my exams, and to start revising early -- a good beginning makes a good ending. ……
China has ordered flood prevention officials to prepare for more flooding. Weeks of heavy rain have... said similar disasters could occur at any moment in the days ahead. ……
as they prepare for the death of Addie, a mother and wife. The family sets off from their farm..., injuries and other disasters.In this 1930 novel by US author William Faulkner, As I Lay Dying is told ……
的) silences are easy to avoid if you prepare enough interesting things to discuss first. Here are some.... But sometimes, people want to avoid small talk as they’re afraid of long silences if they fail to keep ……
预料的) events, like earthquakes and tornados (龙卷风). Also, the drills prepare us for man-made disasters... drill, the other main drill US schools have, is mainly to prepare for man-made disasters ……
STUDENTS get up early every morning to get to school on time. Parents get up even earlier to prepare (准备) breakfast and school bags for their kids. This table shows how much earlier parents get up ……
), but there are measures (措施) we can take to prepare ourselves.For instance, schools and other... need to plan ahead for disasters, for one may be just around the corner.Tutor: Su Huiqiu ……
The menace of landslides HEAVY rains have caused disasters across China this summer, bringing....Landslide preventionIf you want to avoid being a landslide victim (受害者), the easiest thing to do ……
the best answer:1. How should you prepare a pot for a succulent?A. Try to avoid using a clay pot.B. Fill... available on the market, prepare your own. Mix up a nutritious (有营养的), well-drainable (排水好的) soil ……
such as Nestle and Citibank are scheduled to start hiring in early December at Beida, and some others plan to carry out interviews early next month.And last week up to 20 world-famous companies ……
those who don't board at school.Zeng Qiuwen: Boarding students are organized to get up early and do morning exercises. In evening classes, we are guided by teachers to finish homework and prepare ……
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