music is the universal language 包含23162个检索结果
and abstractions. "Music is a universal language but it does not do well translated," Yobie Benjamin wrote...WESTERN companies who want to distribute pop music online in China had better learn Chinese ……
? Chinese singer Sa Dingding will tell you in her new album Alive.Sa believes music is the universal... early next year.Jun Ji-hyun is famous for her role in My Sassy Girl (《我的野蛮女友》).Music bridges ……
or classical,” he said. “Music is the universal language. It connects all of us.”His mother runs an... that he should have music lessons. He was, however, just 3 years old.“He was calm, with an ability ……
is the universal language. It transcends (超越) everything, no matter if you’re rich, poor or the color... 是其形容词形式,universal language 通用语言,a universal truth普遍真理。Overpopulation is a universal problem.3 ……
in a month.The student choruses from two countries got big applause from the audience, showing that music is the universal language of humankind, and that students can become cultural ambassadors boosting ……
;s hip-hop or classical,” he said. “Music is the universal language. It connects all... important, whether it’s hip-hop or classical,” he said. “Music is the universal ……
that MP3.com had intentionally violated the copyrights of music companies, and awarded Universal... to pay the company US$53.4 million.Vivendi Universal owns Universal Music Group and Universal ……
and towns nationwide by 2020.Universal表示“通用的,普遍的”,如universal language (通用语言),universal knowledge (常识...交通一卡通universal transport cardOn March 29, China’s Ministry of Transport announced that a universal ……
Kris Wu has always wanted to be a bridge between the East and West.“Music is very universal and language doesn’t matter that much sometimes,” the 28-year-old Chinese-Canadian singer-songwriter told ……
is often thought of as a universal language.Music is often thought of as a universal language.rob sb... Understanding each otherEnglish speakers who refuse to learn a second language because of how universal ……
cities and towns nationwide by 2020.Universal表示“通用的,普遍的”,如universal language (通用语言),universal...China 交通一卡通universal transport cardOn March 29, China’s Ministry of Transport announced ……
react best. They smell the speaker or even curl (蜷缩) around it. Universal Music will be the first...喵,我们也有自己的音乐专辑啦!Humans enjoy music. Some animals do, too. David Teie, a US scientist and cellist (大提 ……
react best. They smell the speaker or even curl (蜷缩) around it. Universal Music will be the first...喵,我们也有自己的音乐专辑啦!Humans enjoy music. Some animals do, too. David Teie, a US scientist and cellist (大提 ……
a universal language. It expresses feelings from deep in your soul," he said. "Music can really open.... There are 11 playful songs on the CD. The leading song Chinese Language mixes Chinese tongue twisters (绕口 ……
media platform Sina Weibo. They soon went viral (走红).“Music is universal – it goes beyond,” Barton.... The music was from the center’s art gallery, where Jarrelle Barton practices his guzheng.Guzheng players ……
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