mom and dad need to do their part 包含86797个检索结果
父亲两鬓的银发让我明白,爱不是拥有而是给予。 词数 380 建议阅读时间 7分钟“Mom, have you seen my passport?”“Dad, I need a bigger... about to be set free into the sky. Mom and Dad were a little quiet.“Come on. I’ll be back in just ……
How to stop the carTom’s dad was teaching Tom to drive.Tom: I can’t stop the car! What should I do..., and his mom was washing his hair. She said to him, "Wow, your hair is growing so fast! You need ……
: Mom, why do I have to be a king? Mom: Because2 your father is a king. Little Lion: Mom, the lake is so beautiful! Dad: I will teach3 you how to swim. Mom: Yes, your father is a great swimmer. Little ……
me sleep, please! Dad: No. You will be a king. A king needs to study. Mom: Sweetie, your father is right. Little Lion: Mom, why do I have to be a king? Mom: Because your father is a king. Little Lion ……
!”A clever answerDad: Do you know why I am going to punish (惩罚) you, son?Son: No, Dad.Dad: One should...I have an umbrella“FLOWERS need water,” said the teacher. “Water your flowers every day, or they’ll ……
爸爸妈妈眼中的我“Mom, how do you think of me?” I ask my mom. She says: “You are a kind girl. You always offer (提供) help to those who need it.” I think giving is better than receiving. “Dad, how do you think ……
are, and how family is not just something you’re part of, but something you make. ]Lou and her family don’t have much, but for Lou it’s enough. Mom. Her sister, Casey. Their apartment ……
)Scissors What to do 1. Draw a house on the cardboard.2. Your dad or mom can cut the pieces out.... Then make the leaves. Your dad or mom can put the toothpick through the leaves. ……
into six parts. The photo can show you how to do this. Write one thing in each part – something... (箭头) with the colored paper. Cut it out. 4. Ask your mom or dad to sew  ……
硬币). Sometimes, my mom and dad ask me to do chores byraisingthe money. But I’m too lazy, so I say... it. I use my pocket money to buy presents for dad, mom, friends, teachers and myself.Learn itask sb …… 2007年09月03日
游戏让你化身“父母”,体会养儿不易。Do you sometimes feel your mom and dad push you too hard? A new online game.... To do this, you need to give them different tasks to finish. But it isn’t always easy. For example ……
手机游戏让你体会“父母”之不易。Do you sometimes feel your mom and dad push you too hard? A new online game called.... To do this, you need to give them different tasks to finish. But it isn’t always easy. For example ……
at your dad’s old photos from the 1990s, you probably wouldn’t think of him as a fashion icon (偶像). But chances are that you do now. “Dad shoes” – the colorful and chunky (笨重的) sneakers that look like ……
你说我做It's a great family game. You can play with your mom or dad.How to play1. Your dad stands... to make the same gesture (手势) to go along with what he says. Here’re some questions for your mom and dad ……
to be best at everything. So talk with your mom and dad and ask if, together, you can look at where you...Dear American Girl: My parents think I need to be perfect. If I get a B instead of an A, they make ……
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