kids become monks 包含30683个检索结果
泰国力劝和尚戒烟THE Thai Government is encouraging Buddhist (佛教的) monks to give up smoking.At least half of Thailand's 300,000 monks are heavy smokers (烟瘾很大). Although monks are not banned (禁止) from smoking ……
, a combination of Buddhism and martial arts, and the monks have become more aware of the law as a way...THE monks at China's famed Shaolin Temple have turned to the law instead of their fists to protect ……
般的). Kids like him very much. Jet Li is good at wushu. He practiced wushu for 11 years before he finally...) A group of old Shaolin monks (和尚) make a soccer team. If they can win enough matches (比赛), they’ll get ……
的) monk, went to the Shaolin temple in the year 527. The monks there were not very strong. Bodhidharma... monks to make them stronger.But history says those stories aren't true. Some of the Shaolin monks knew ……
少林武僧“惊艳”莫斯科红场。THE “Shaolin fighting monks (少林武僧)” are “fighting” their way all over the world. And their latest stop is in Russia. On Sept 1, the Shaolin monks showed their kung fu skills ……
grandfather’s sword (剑). Justin also meets three monks (修道士). They will train (训练) Justin to be a knight. Can Justin find the sword? Will he become a knight? Find the answers in the cartoon movie Justin ……
). The monks are staying up late to watch the World Cup, reports a Thai newspaper.The Nation quoted a woman in the northern city of Chiang Mai who said that the tired monks had ruined her birthday ……
HONG KONG — Twenty-five Shaolin fighter monks have quit their reclusive life to leap onto... of Life," claims to be the world's only theatrical show to feature ordained Buddhist "soldier monks ……
能看到大象可爱的身影。Fun little monks泰国小和尚There are thousands oftemplesin Thailand. Why do they have so many temples? 原来每个泰国男人一生中都要做一次和尚,这可是件很荣耀的事情哦!Ella sees many kids in the temples. They're learning how …… 2010年09月05日
for Beijing and Shanghai this month.In recent years, Thailand has become a popular tourist spot... other when they meet or part.Every male Thai Buddhist aged 20 or above is expected to become a monk ……
was a clever teenager. He could have become a patriot. But just like other ordinary teenagers he... Autonomous Region.Back in his palace in Lhasa, he was surrounded by monks and nobles who tried ……
activity, Songkran is also a time when people visit elders and monks to pay their respects to the New Year..., and the streets become a sea of shining wigs (假发), feather boas (羽毛围巾), and body paint, as crowds ……
also want to ask yourself: I know so little, or even nothing, of Buddhism, how can I become so close..., next time you wonder what is wrong with monks, you should probably make it clear to yourself ……
is going around China.Forty monks from the Songshan MountainShaolin Temple(少林寺) in Henan will give... the monks will show some exciting kungfu. One of the best is hard qigong. It is a kind ofbreathing(呼吸 ……
Mobile phones have become closely connected with our daily life. Many parents are afraid that mobile phones could have a negative effect on their kids. According to a recent study, 73 percent of US ……
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