grammar 包含1348个检索结果
语法较适合学校教学的实际需求。THE Australian national English curriculum will include a grammar guide setting out...-framing were solicited and they overwhelmingly supported teaching grammar, but teachers disagree ……
It's a special program of writing love letters. It corrects my spelling and grammar andautomatically deletes anything I will regret later. ……
Grammar for English Language TeachersBy Martin ParrottISBN: 0521477972Price: ?14.25This book helps teachers to develop their overall knowledge and understanding of English grammar, and provides ……
SUSAN Rooks has made limited use of grammar-checking features built into word-processing programmes such as Microsoft Word."Grammar checkers are wrong more often than right so the average person can ……
It's a special program of writing love letters. Itcorrects my spelling and grammar and automatically (自动地) deletes anything I will regret later. ……
"The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language" is a comprehensive descriptive grammar of English... with justification for the ways in which the analysis differs from traditional grammar. The book ……
"People have been living in fear of grammar rules that don't exist," says Geoffrey Pullum, who wrote "The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language" with Rodney Huddleston of the University ……
to speak English. But I don't think I'm taking enough care of my grammar. One of my friends goes to a language school and told me that grammar is not very important. I think I agree. But because of this I ……
that English grammar and vocabulary are sometimes, if not always, boring. If only there could be a way of learning the language and having fun…Check out Grammar Gremlins (小妖怪) at cdextras.cambridge.org ……
Grammar slipsTeacher: Julie, please give me a sentence starting with "I".Julie: I is...Teacher: No, Julie. Always say, "I am."Julie: All right… "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet (字母表)." ……
that English grammar and vocabulary are sometimes boring. Is there a way to learn the language and have fun at the same time? Check out Grammar Gremlins at cdextras.cambridge.org/grammargremlins/Your spaceship ……
out Grammar Gremlins (小妖怪) at cdextras.cambridge.org/grammargremlins/index.html.Your spaceship lands on the planet Gremlandia. This planet is known for its Grammar Gremlins. They are tricky (狡猾 ……
英语语法网站为你学习英语开小灶。WANT to study English grammar and have fun while doing it? The website www.dailygrammar.com may be just the thing for you. It’s a great way to learn grammar.There are 440 lessons ……
oriented toward English language teaching over the past three decades, New Perspectives on Grammar... English language teaching over the past three decades,New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching ……
"Grammar for English Language Teachers," published by the Cambridge University Press, was recently presented with the Top Award for a Grammar Book in the English-Speaking Union Duke of Edinburgh ……
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