giant panda loves his holiday treat 包含63443个检索结果
near his home. But the panda is injured (受伤的). Xiao Lu takes the panda cub back home. He tries to feed... in the movie. Six panda cubs play (扮演) in the movie. They are all from the Wolong Giant Panda Nature ……
我们应该再给日本一只熊猫吗?擂场:大连市第20高级中学 指导教师:崔红YesAt they are rare, another giant panda is the best... really extends (传达) its goodwill by sending a second giant panda to Japan.Lu Wanjun: With the death ……
AFP 旅美大熊猫“小奇迹”年底回国旅美大熊猫“小奇迹”年底回国Giant panda Xiao Qi Ji ate a frozen fruit cake during... for the three pandas before they leave.Giant panda Xiao Qi Ji ate a frozen fruit cake during a “Panda ……
Help the panda on the left find his friend on the right. ……
A 2-month-old giant panda cub (幼崽) appeared in public for the first time at the Zoologischer Garten Zoo in Berlin on Nov 21. It is the first giant panda to be born in Germany. Its parents are Meng ……
熊猫爱骑摇摇马Baby pandas are cute. How about a baby panda on a rocking horse (摇摆木马)? He is even cuter!The baby panda is 6 months old. He is in a panda kindergarten1 in Sichuan, China. He loves riding ……
researchers have succeeded in cloning a gene of the endangered giant panda, which could help to treat...为保护“活化石”,中美专家首建大熊猫基因库。WILL our children still have the chance to see lovely giant pandas ……
Giant panda Eimei has lived in Japan for 28 years. VCG大熊猫“永明”被任命为“中日友好特使”大熊猫“永明”被任命为“中日友好特使”Eimei, a giant panda that has lived in Japan for 28 years, was appointed (任命) as a special envoy ……
XINHUAXINHUALook inside the zoo:Visitors view the giant panda family tree at the Smithsonian... anniversary of the arrival of two giant pandas, celebrating the close cooperation on panda exchanges.Look ……
VCGSaying farewell: Giant panda Ya Ya ate bamboo during a farewell party at the Memphis Zoo... in 2003 as part of a Sino-US giant panda protection and research program. China is ready to welcome ……
(挽救) the world with the help of his friends. This picture is from the movie.Giant Pandas eat about 18...这只胖乎乎的熊猫用功夫拯救了世界! CAN any panda play kungfu? Panda Po can! Po is from the American movie, Kungfu ……
Chengdu, the hometown of the giant panda, with Po searching for his kungfu heritage (传统) there.Producing...《功夫熊猫2》背后的趣事。DO you remember panda Po, the martial arts master who shoulders the task to save ……
, China and Qatar signed (签署) an agreement (合约) on giant panda protection and research. It is the first time that giant pandas have traveled to a Middle Eastern country. Qatar built a beautiful panda park ……
. The scientist asks Chen to help him catch a panda cub (幼仔) for his research.In the meantime, a panda... way home. In the movie, Pang Pang is played by six panda cubs from Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve ……
大熊猫丫丫告别派对举行,月底将回国旅美大熊猫丫丫告别派对举行,月底将回国旅美大熊猫丫丫告别派对举行,月底将回国旅美大熊猫丫丫告别派对举行,月底将回国Giant panda Ya Ya was eating... (签名) letters, and watched cultural shows. Giant panda Ya Ya was eating bamboo during a farewell ……
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