explore the unknown antarctica 包含4847个检索结果
南极,我来啦!南极,我来啦!Xuelong 2 is going to explore a very cold place – Antarctica.Xuelong 2 is going to explore a very cold place – Antarctica.PAGES 4-5PAGES 4-5 ……
?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Why do people continue to explore Antarctica?5. Why do people continue to explore Antarctica ……
is ice. For periods of time, Antarctica (南极洲) is the perfect place for groups of scientists from around the world to research and explore.According to the Polar Research Institute of China ……
. They became the first people to get there.People know very *little about Antarctica. Over 98 percent... stations in Antarctica. More than 30 scientific exploration teams go there every year. Scientists ……
, humans have been driven to explore the unknown, challenge scientific and technical limits (极限), and push.... This August, NASA (美国国家航空航天局) sent Curiosity to Mars to explore the unknown planet.On Dec 14, 1911 ……
Weeks have passed since I returned from Antarctica. But not for a single moment do I forget the days spent on that pure island and their effect on my life. I was told that Antarctica is a place ……
一起走近地球上最寒冷的神秘之地——南极洲。 Antarctica is the coldest, windiest and emptiest place on Earth. It is home... (层) of ice that covers Antarctica. In some places, the ice is about 20 meters thick. Yet ……
除了可爱的企鹅,南极洲还有很多你不知道的秘密。How much do you know about Antarctica? It is one of the famous wonders... foot on land in Antarctica is said to be John Davis, a US seal hunter (海豹猎人), in 1821. Tourists visit ……
. It suggests that the longing to explore of the unknown has been the aim of young people for thousands ……
according to the article?A. Most of them live in the Pointe Géologie Archipelago colony in Antarctica.B... population in AntarcticaC. explore the secrets behind the huddling behavior of emperor penguinsD. explain why ……
worked together to explore Antarctica. Xuelong 2 will come back to China late March next year.On Dec 16...; Exploring the unknown From outer space to Antarctica (南极), China explored (探索) many ……
New York Times best-selling author Julien Smith once said, “Going into the unknown is how you expand what is known.” It seems that the unknown is the drive to learn more. However, a new study from ……
) of helping girls get education, and in Antarctica I was given the chance to learn and explore (探索... with her mom. They have taken part in marathons in the United States, Kenya, Antarctica, Mongolia, Peru ……
?_________________________________________Day2Explore the unknown... (P4-5)Choose the best answer:1. What can we learn about Antarctica from the passage?A. Its weather is changeable with strong winds.B. It is the coldest ……
tons. The drill will explore the unknown underground territory and further human understanding... 2,000 tons. The drill will explore the unknown underground territory and further human ……
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