date back to the beginning 包含34458个检索结果
foundScientists have discovered a distant star that could date back to the beginning of the universe ……
these great Hollywood movies! Avengers: Age of Ultron《复仇者联盟:奥创新纪元》Release date: May 1, USIn the world... everyone. The Avengers have to get together again to fight against Ultron. Inside Out《头脑大作战》Release date ……
GLASBERGENWhen I was 15, my parents said I could date when I'm 16. When I was 16, my parents said I could date when I'm 17. To make a long story short, Jim, call back next year. ……
of English at the beginning to intermediate levels."New Interchange" features high interest topics... edition of "New Interchange."1. Student's book Intro ISBN: 7-5600-2103-4 Price: 39.9 yuan Pub date ……
Asking someone on a date can be a complicated affair, no matter where you are in the world... and American staff discussed the rules and games people play back home in dating. The shocking truth ……
!Minions 《小黄人》Release date: July 10, USMany people love Minions. They are small, yellow and cute...? In the movie Minions, they’ve existed since the beginning of time. And they have only one purpose: to serve ……
more.Veterans back in businessTempestArtist: Bob DylanRelease date:September 11Record label:Columbia...The beginning of fall is a sign of new happenings in all facets of life, and it’s no different ……
) these interviews ever since the beginning of Year 12 as I knew it would form a crucial part of my.... I have anticipated (期待) these interviews ever since the beginning of Year 12 as I knew it would form ……
celebrate their harvest on Thanksgiving. The tradition dates back to the 16th century, when... a recognized holiday in the country that falls on the second Monday in October. Its date has moved around ……
HEY girls, it's summer, and another dating season is beginning. Why not put on your best dress, go...? What will you say to escape? Well, you can calm down: here are some tips on turning down a date you ……
go out (with someone): to date (an appointment with someone of the opposite sex, often informally), to accompany to a social function;single date: involving one couple;also: take (someone) outeg ……
,500年的历史...date back to 2,500 years ago祭拜祖先,悼念已逝的亲人pay one's respects to/remember/honor the ancestors... on April4, 5, or 6 有2,500年的历史...date back to 2,500 years ago祭拜祖先,悼念已逝的亲人pay one's respects ……
a sarcophagus (石棺) under Notre Dame cathedral (巴黎圣母院). It could date back to the 14th century. According... Dame cathedral (巴黎圣母院). It could date back to the 14th century. According to The Guardian ……
clothes that date back to the beginning of the twentieth century; he is looking at the laptop in great... it increasingly difficult to read, ___ his eyesight was beginning to fail.A. and B. for C. but D ……
的假期》《木星上行》 《天将雄师》Emperor’s Holidays 《爸爸的假期》Release date: Feb 19, ChinaDads from the first season... Dong-il from South Korea takes part in the movie. He plays a policeman. In the beginning of the movie ……
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