bury your nose in a good book 包含78461个检索结果
to teach you how to have fun in the mud (稀泥). First, bury your mouth and nose in the mud. Then, push... to carry the column this semester. We look forward to receiving more of your creative ideas in 2010! Good ……
bury one’s nose in用功读书He has to take a rest after burying his nose in books for hours.刻苦读了几个小时的书,他得休息一下了。 ……
Your thumb is the same length (长度) as your nose. ……
on getting snot out of your nose又到易感季节,你擤鼻涕擤对了吗?又到易感季节,你擤鼻涕擤对了吗?We usually have a runny nose when... and even affect how well we can see in the long run. This is why, sometimes, when you blow your nose ……
Under your noseA: Can you see my science book? I can't find it anywhere.B: Look, it is right under your nose."Under your nose":就在你的眼皮底下。有时候一样东西离你很近,但是,你就是看不到。 ……
to clean your nose?2. What is a good way to clean your nose?A. Clean the mucus in your mouth...Blow your nose (P6)Blow your nose (P6)Choose the answer:Choose the answer:1. What will happen ……
and comfort me when I am feeling low. When I bury myself in a book, my sadness disappears. Helen Keller’s Three Days to See is one book that will always warm my heart.Xiao Yuanyuan: There is nothing more ……
a story in the book Zhuangzi (《庄子》). One day, when Zhuangzi passed by the tomb (坟墓) of his good... from a story in the book Zhuangzi (《庄子》). One day, when Zhuangzi passed by the tomb (坟墓) of his good ……
挖鼻孔的后果可能很严重。Do you pick your nose often? If so, then you should be careful. Picking your nose might... into their body and cause pneumonia.However, this doesn’t mean you can’t touch your nose. Washing your hands ……
couldn't believe he was dying. I was afraid to think what "death" meant.HELPhide v. 隐藏cough v. 咳嗽bury v. 埋HELPHELPHELPhide v. 隐藏cough v. 咳嗽bury v. 埋hide v. 隐藏cough v. 咳嗽bury v. 埋hide v. 隐藏cough v. 咳嗽 ……
the world, who, caught out in a lie, have been told, “Your nose is growing!” Many don’t even know... Giannettino《小手杖漫游意大利》Reading check1. The author mentioned the phrase “Your nose is growing ……
Your nose and ears keep growing for your whole life, but you may not notice (注意) it. ……
, you ________. a) bury the hatchetb) bury the axec) bury the gund) bury the sword4. When someone... and shockingd) refuse to do something helpful or kind5. If you lose your job, you ________.a) cross swordsb ……
a good impression (印象) on people.Boy: We should be ourselves. Only those with their own special... on my nose. Help me push it away. It makes my nose itch (痒) to death.Girl: Just bear it for a moment. I ……
1 Don’t pick your nose挖鼻孔可能会引发肺炎。Picking your nose is not just a bad habit. It can cause pneumonia... afterward. Washing your hands often is a good way to stay healthy.2 Recognizing faces大脑能记住5000张人脸!We ……
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