anhui trees have a lesson 包含84323个检索结果
小树快快长大吧!HOW time flies! Spring is coming. What do you want to do in this wonderful season? Have... are planting (种植) trees. We hope the trees will grow fast and can protect the environment (保护环境) soon ……
来一场说走就走的春游吧!Spring is a good time to go outside and have fun. This month, our school had a spring... from school. We went to three different places: Hefei Botanical (植物学的) Garden, Anhui Museum and Anhui ……
南方下大雪之后的喜与忧。Heavy snow arrived in Hefei, Anhui, at the beginning of January. Although people found... also created some problems for the city’s trees. The snow that fell on the trees’ branches (树枝) got ……
你知道哪些树木会在秋天穿上迷彩服吗?THERE are many trees and plants that change color in autumn. Some you can find... meters high. Maple leaves have sharppoints(尖) and they turn red in late autumn. Many maples grow ……
trees? He told us that since the Song Dynasty, people have counted the seeds of a pomegranate... pomegranate (石榴) trees. But why pomegranate trees? He told us that since the Song Dynasty, people have ……
信不信由你Some trees have square trunks. ……
. Farmer Brown had an orchard of fruit trees. A third of them were apple trees, a quarter were pear trees, and a fifth were plum trees. There were also 26 cherry trees. How many trees did Farmer Brown ……
twenty-six cherry trees. How many trees did Farmer Brown have together?Answers:1.The match 2.120... in the room. Which one should you light first?2. Farmer Brown had an orchard of fruit trees. A third ……
安徽一群中学生捡起片片落叶,拼凑出秋意浓浓的画作。Leaves fall off trees. But have you ever thought of picking them up and making art with them? Students at the Hefei 168 Taochonghu School in Anhui have done this. They used ……
千片树叶打造华丽长裙。Leaves fall from the trees in autumn. Four college (大学) students made them into a beautiful dress. Two girls and two boys from Anhui province made the dress. They used 6,000 leaves to make ……
. This is how trees "know" when to begin getting ready for winter.During autumn, there is not enough light or water for photosynthesis. Trees rest during this time and live off the food they make in summer ……
for this is that many of the forest’s trees have died. While trees are growing, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (大气层). But dead trees release it again. Millions of trees have ……
want to play badminton. ""But why can't we take turns? If you lose you have to give it to someone else. That's the rule.""No way!" Shescreamed(尖叫), "I have the racket. Why should I give it to you?Oh, my ……
in Hefei Hupo Middle School in Anhui. Junior 2 students there made their own rice brew to learn aboutfermentation(发酵)."The students have already learned the lesson in class. But they won't really ……
where only four elderly townsfolk live in a lost corner of the world. The Anhui University journalism... troops in 1937,” said Yuan. “We have to save precious materials from their accounts in order to pass ……
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