an unforgettable experience at school 包含96551个检索结果
by accident.What an unforgettable experience! I think all of us will remember that lesson forever.江苏...初中生活即将过去,有过欢笑,也有过泪水。在这三年的时光中,哪件事最让你难以忘怀?请你以 “An unforgettable thing” 为题写一篇英语作文, 谈谈初中生涯里最令你难忘的一件事。An ……
World War II. As hosts, their politeness and sweet smiles impressed me a lot.It was an unforgettable... the same dream – world peace.By Huang Yixiong, from Xi’an No 83 High School (Tutor: Dong Cuicui) ……
unforgettable experience.BY AN XIANGNING, 16,QINHUANGDAO NO 1 MIDDLE SCHOOL, HEBEIThis photo... of the campus and take this photo to commemorate (纪念) an unforgettable experience.BY AN XIANGNING, 16 ……
我是“熊猫饲养员”!I visited some pandas this year during the winter holiday. It was more than just an interesting trip – it was an unforgettable (难忘的) experience. I worked as a panda keeper. I learned how ……
was the most unforgettable experience in my middle school years. We swam in the sea and caught crabs (螃蟹... (中考), middle school life is about to come to an end. Do you feel sorry to leave your teachers ……
will never forget.Liu Bing, 16, Liaoning: In middle school, each exam is unforgettable, but my most...本期话题:初中三年的时光很快就要过去了,这三年给我们留下了许多的回忆。那么,你最难忘的时刻是什么?Lai Yurou, 15, Fujian: The most unforgettable ……
“世博之旅”趣事多。This summer vacation, many teenagers had an unforgettable visit to the Shanghai Expo. So.... It was an unforgettable cultural and technological (技术的) display. Memorable moment: While I was waiting ……
一次难以忘怀的火车旅行。The most unforgettable journey in my mind is not a trip abroad or an experience... with me, I was surprised that the trip unexpectedly became an amazingly sweet memory.Almost ……
with an unforgettable impression. From Oct 20 to 22, our sports meet took place on the school... unforgettable experience.BY HUANG YANCHEN, ZHEJIANG WENZHOU HIGH SCHOOLAs an indispensable (不可或缺的) part ……
during the movies. It was really an unforgettable (难忘的) experience.At the end, we had to say goodbye...AFTER the replacement (分班) examination, our school was going to re-group Senior 1 students ……
dancing lessons for six months, and the school was giving its yearly recital (演出会). As an excited... until the day he died.②Key words①unforgettable adj. 难忘的Living in Tibet was an unforgettable ……
or running. It is also an activity for people looking for new kinds of experience. This summer, ten... Canyons in the state of Utah. It was an unforgettable time for us all.The first ten minutes was walking ……
didn’t, so all the people around me laughed. And what made this experience even more unforgettable... was traveling across the grassland in Zhangjiakou, Hebei, I saw some camels (骆驼) passing by. It was an ……
and unforgettable experience!云南师范大学附属小学文林校区五 (2) 班 杨方宇指导教师:蔡铮快来投稿吧!投稿要求:题目不限,英文短文,60-100词。投稿邮箱:kids... to the driving school and got the driving license (驾照). It was a cool driving license with my picture ……
Lu Peiran takes an unforgettable trip to Xi’an. PROVIDED TO TEENSLu Peiran takes an unforgettable trip to Xi’an. PROVIDED TO TEENS去西安游玩,感受历史与现代的融合。去西安游玩,感受历史与现代的融合。词数 270 建议 ……
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