a yummy job 包含14821个检索结果
拼朵花送给妈妈This flower is beautiful and yummy. It’s made of fruits. ……
time. Yummy! Yummy! ……
What do you wear for Halloween (万圣节)?Look at my costume (装扮). I'm a yummy hot dog. Cool, isn't it? I live in Japan (日本). ……
超级可爱的便当。DO you like Doraemon (哆啦A梦)? Now, he’s become food. A mom from Japan made the cute lunch. It is made of cookies, vegetables and fruit. Yummy! ……
Finger forks 手指上的小叉子Always want to eat food with your fingers? This finger fork gets you closer to your food. You can wear it and eat the yummy food. ……
酷炫发明Oreo spoon 奥利奥专属小勺This spoon keeps your hands clean. You can use it to eat Oreos. And dip (蘸) it in milk! Yummy! ……
五只小老鼠There are five mice.Two like rice.Three like spice.Yummy. Yummy. It’s nice.Have a go除了mice, rice, spice, nice, 你还能写出其他含字母组合ce发音/s/的单词吗?__________ ___________ ……
. Put them into oven (烤箱)! You can ask your mom or dad for help! Wait for them to bake!Yummy! Yummy! ……
!" His mum said, "Mike, every coin has two sides. Chocolate is yummy, but it's bad for your teeth!"小朋友们,你们明白这个道理了吗?任何事物都有好坏,就像硬币有正反面一样。我们做事应该从两方面进行考虑,这样才能做得更好!生词大本营 yummy 美味的 生词 …… 2005年11月07日
) and milk. It’s easy and yummy!My biggest wish is to learn how to make breakfast for my family. I’ll start with cereal (谷物) and milk. It’s easy and yummy!Li Shilin, 11, XiamenLi Shilin, 11, Xiamen  ……
FOREIGN friends came to China for the wonderful games. They also enjoyed yummy food. They could try great new food during the Games. The Olympic Village served 80,000 meals each day. The restaurant …… 2008年08月31日
狗狗餐厅A dog restaurant is open in Brazil (巴西). Dog owners take their dogs to the restaurant. They can order (点菜) different yummy (美味的) food for dogs. Dogs also enjoy music and meet dog friends here. ……
水果拼成的椰子树Coconut trees grow in hot places. They have big leaves. Look at these two coconut trees. They are beautiful and yummy! The leaves are kiwi fruits (奇异果). The branches are bananas. The soil ……
水果拼成的椰子树Coconut trees grow in hot places. They have big leaves. Look at these two coconut trees. They are beautiful and yummy! The leaves are kiwi fruits (奇异果). The branches (树干) are bananas ……
炫酷发明Cute lunch可爱的便当Surely (肯定地) you know these cartoon guys. Now, they are food. A mom from Japan made them. They are made of cookies, vegetables and fruit. What a yummy and cute lunch! ……
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