a solution to smog 包含2332个检索结果
solution for smog (P6)Choose the answer: 1. What is the new inhaler?A. It can help protect ……
; D. Never mind16. Can you _____ a solution to the smog (雾霾) problem in our city?A. come up...; D. work for16. Can you _____ a solution to the smog (雾霾) problem in our city?A. come up ……
“治霾神器”现身北京。Beijing is a city often covered with smog (雾霾). Many people are looking for a solution. A Dutch artist has made a tower that takes in smog and gives off clean air. This tower is 7 meters ……
is a good solution, too. It can control smog effectively and make our city beautiful.All in all...本期题目 近几年来,我国多地出现雾霾(smog)天气,环境污染变得越来越严重。人们在关注环境污染的同时,越来越清醒地认识到,美丽中国不能在 迷雾中前进。 假设从遥远的外太空来了一位外星人,而他/她不 ……
Severe air pollution and *smog continues to *haunt many Chinese cities, especially in northern... for a special “smog subsidy” for employees who have to work on smoggy days.A poll conducted ……
smog last weekend.On Jan 12, levels of PM2.5 - air particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter... in China that have PM2.5 monitoring systems.The smog lasted until Jan 16, when cold fronts drove the smog ……
空气净化塔让雾霾变钻石。SMOG (雾霾) is annoying. But what if it could be made into a diamond (钻石)? A “Smog Free... ones. The black particles (颗粒) in smog and diamonds are mostly made of carbon (碳). 21ST ……
Many parts of China are still recovering from the severe *smog in early December that affected more... of smog. The bill adds up to 54 million yuan, with the provincial capital Shenyang paying 34.6 ……
in heavy smog (雾霾), with the visibility (能见度) reduced to less than 10 meters and schools and traffic... your hair”, Roosegaarde told Dezeen magazine. The smog machine has already been successfully tested ……
, the environment gets worse and worse. Smog sometimes appears in our lives and it brings us quite a few problems. Smog is air pollution that is mixed up with dust (尘埃), smoke and other dry particles (干粉 ……
, the environment gets worse and worse. Smog sometimes appears in our lives and it brings us quite a few problems. Smog is air pollution that is mixed up with dust (尘埃), smoke and other dry particles (干粉 ……
空气净化塔让雾霾变钻石。SMOG (雾霾) is annoying. But what if it could be made into a diamond (钻石)? A “Smog Free... particles (颗粒) in smog and diamonds are mostly carbon (碳). A designer from the Netherlands made the tower ……
Many cities around the world suffered from smog in the past, but London and Los Angeles experienced the most *notorious incidents.In December 1952, London disappeared in a cloud of smog so severe ……
上海对重污染行业征收“雾霾费”。SMOG (雾霾) has been troubling people a lot in many parts of China. And now Shanghai... and smog, which the media calls the “smog fee”. The charges now cover 12 industries including cars ……
people in London used coal to cook and heat (取暖). As a result, there was lots of smog (烟雾) all year around. It was bad for people. So they made many changes. Now, people can seldom (很少) see smog there. ……
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