a safe space to learn and grow 包含35434个检索结果
lights to help plants grow in space.First, the astronauts cleaned the lettuce with special sanitizing... in May 2014. The first batch (一批) of vegetables took 33 days to grow in space before they were taken ……
is a dog. His name is Laika. Laika lives in space for seven days. He helps people to learn more about space.Safe crossingOctober 31, 1951: People first walk over azebra-crossing(斑马线) in England ……
they aredefinitely(肯定) safe."China has also been co-operating with NASA to grow some super size potatoes...到太空遨游一圈之后,种子再回来便有了"特异功能"!Have you ever dreamed about a trip to the space? Seeds of some vegetables ……
for their safe return. They set a new national record (纪录) of 183 days in space. We have shared many...) when I grow up. 滕宥霖,9岁,中国人民大学附属中学实验小学On April 16, three astronauts from the Tiangong space ……
太空里如何种出新鲜的蔬菜?词数 260 建议阅读时间 7分钟 课件及教案见网站 测试见7版ASTRONAUTS get to fly in rockets, float in space and see the wonderful views of the solar system (太阳系). But there’s one problem astronauts face: space ……
lights to help plants grow in space.Before eating, the astronauts cleaned the lettuce with special wipes... in May 2014. The first batch (一批) of vegetables took 33 days to grow in space. After making sure ……
. Beijing commuters should learn from British commuters.C. British solutions to public transport...-fiction about school life. (No more than 140 words)Day 3Dealing with space junk (P5)Choose the best ……
, a study has proven that space-grown lettuce is just as safe, tasty and nutritious as similar... the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, US, who, as a control, used the Veggie system to grow lettuce in exactly ……
that space-grown lettuce is just as safe, tasty and nutritious as similar plants grown on Earth... as the ISS.“The ability to grow food in a sustainable system that is safe for crew consumption ……
.A. they learn how to huntA. they learn how to huntB. they grow new feathersB. they grow new feathersC... the baby emperor penguins jump off a high cliff?A. To learn how to fly.A. To learn how to fly.B ……
have to live by themselves in a closed lab (实验室) for a long time. Scientists will learn from the experiment. In the future, astronauts (宇航员) will use the information to live longer in space (太空 ……
?a. Go on spacewalks.b. Learn how space affects the human body.c. Grow plants. d. Provide clean... at the ISS?a. Go on spacewalks.b. Learn how space affects the human body.c. Grow plants. d. Provide ……
Learn about tech trends in 2023Learn about tech trends in 2023展望2023年科技发展方向展望2023年科技发展方向Sometimes... (IEEE) and other experts for 2023.The Euclid space telescope will be launched in 2023. ESASpace ……
Choose the answer:1. The Skele-gro magic drink can help Harry Potter _____.A. grow bones backB. grow faster and tallerC. have magic powersD. discover others’ secrets2. According to Paragraph 2 ……
) of astronauts get longer. They can grow 2.5-5cm taller in space.Walk? Float! 失重漂浮We walk on the Earth...奇妙的太空生活DINO has a dream. He wants to be an astronaut (宇航员). But what's life in space like? Do ……
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