a nation stuck on saying sorry 包含17543个检索结果
1. Correct answer: c)a) and b): Sorry, this expression does not exist.d): Sorry, “stuck-up” is used...) Sorry, this is just another way of saying ‘very boring’; monotonous: 单调的; tedious: 单调乏味的.d ……
that saying sorry all the time is not such a bad thing. “Of all the words that a nation could... say, ‘Sorry about the rain’,” Battistella was quoted by the BBC as saying. “It might be that British ……
dropped to the ground, feeling the floor with her hands. “Excuse me…excuse…me…” She kept saying...). Sorry, sorry…” “A piece of candy!” shouted an angry man in the seat next to her. “Why don’t you sit ……
noted, “It seems that Britain is developing a reputation as a nation of sorry-sayers.”The average Briton... firm revealed that in many cases, Britons’ love of saying sorry goes a little further than it does ……
. I hope I can help with yours. Saying sorry Saying sorry Q:Q:Dear David,Dear...的) to make mistakes. Saying sorry is the best way to show you care. Embarrassment should not get ……
sadness. (19) He's still stuck on the eight kids. "I'm so sorry," he says. "I thought it was you because... of itchy uniforms? I hardly even know this man. What is he saying about the image I project as a mother ……
人只有在道歉的时候说“对不起”?英国人只有在道歉的时候说“对不起”?We can’t help saying sorry in the UK. If a person burps (打嗝...’t help saying sorry in the UK. If a person burps (打嗝) at the dinner table or bumps into (不小心撞上) someone ……
to admit that we are to blame and we beat around the bush.Saying sorry is not a sign of weakness. Rather... embarrassed. We are troubled about whether we should apologize. Saying sorry shows that we are sincere about ……
company-to-company apology demanded by a court. It is also an example of someone saying sorry when... into a *ritual in which a situation can be *appeased simply by saying “sorry”.The other major change ……
“Making empty talk is harmful to the nation, while doing practical jobs can help it thrive.”A new... on Nov 15. “Sorry to have kept you waiting,” Xi said to the journalists at the beginning of his speech ……
;possibility n. 可能性。I’m sorry, I haven’t had a chance to look at it yet.prepare v. 准备用法:作不及物动词,常与介词for连用...地里;in the field of education 在教育领域。He saw a field of wheat in front of him. stuck adj. 卡住的,无法移动的用法:不用 ……
”在生活中很重要。课件及教案见网站 测试见7版BRITISH people used to (过去常常) be good at saying “I’m sorry”. But now things... but not “I’m sorry” when they do something wrong. In his book, Sorry … The Hardest Word and How to Use ……
will help raise its image as a prosperous, developing, democratic and progressive nation. But some... months ago German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared multiculturalism in Germany a “failure”, saying ……
that all these poor peasants were slave labourers. China was a very secretive nation during those... — but perhaps the time has come to stop saying "yes" to every request as the Chinese way.In every society ……
where the president can decide that it's in the best interest of the nation, and do something... for the purpose of preserving the nation and the constitution, which is essential for the rights we ……
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