a city by any other name... 包含75219个检索结果
’t be named after a famous brand. The new name ignores the culture of the city. Chen Longlong: The name of an important public building should represent its city’s culture. The name Yibin Wuliangye Airport ……
should accept the new name and hope that the city becomes more prosperous (繁荣的). Zhong Zhen... named after Wuliangye? After all, it doesn’t violate (违反) any laws or regulations (规定).The new name ……
Bangkok, the name of the capital city of Thailand, means “wild plum village”. ……
Bangkok, the name of the capital city of Thailand, means “wild plum village”. ……
of Japan. It is said that the city got its name because it is located east of Kyoto (京都), Japan’s former... (northern capital) and Nanjing (southern capital). Why aren’t there any cities called Dongjing (eastern ……
with her cats---------------------------------------Do you know any other Singaporean singers? Name them....答铃》). It has 17 songs. Meimei says that fans can listen and dance to the record.Name: Guo MeimeiEnglish ……
little. But their supporters are as enthusiastic as any City or United fan.Although soccer is an...曼城获评2016年最佳旅游城市。词数 346 测试见7版建议阅读时间 5分钟 ITS symbol is a bee, showing that the city is a hive ……
War II. It was given this name because it was capable of destroying an entire city block (eight... to the series of air-raids on London and other British cities by German planes, 1940-41. Later, any ……
-to-head match in a city whose name means “football” the world over. Manchester and football are like fish.... But their supporters are as dedicated (忠诚的) as any City or United fan.So when you watch the big ……
跳得最远的猫You jump! And I jump! Hi, my name is Alley. I live in the US. Cats are good at jumping. I can jump longer than any other cats! I can jump 182cm. ……
that the Forbidden City has survived more than 200 earthquakes.For an old building made from wood and stone... that’s kept it standing for all these years.According to experts, the answer to the Forbidden City ……
of Supreme Harmony (太和殿) has more of these creatures than any other structure in the Forbidden City...) and fortune. The Hall of Supreme Harmony (太和殿) has more of these creatures than any other structure ……
. But their supporters are as enthusiastic as any City or United fan.And although soccer is an important part... in the late 1980s and 1990s that it had its own name: “Madchester”.Now, the importance of the city ……
of “Breach”. When someone commits “Breach” they cross over to the other city, Ul Qoma. Punishments...IT’S very difficult to describe the idea that this book is based on. Imagine a city. It’s called ……
wrote, “What is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. This might... to even know it. I am talking about the day our parents name us. On this day, we could spend the rest ……
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