新闻回放近来,一直作为中国形象标志的“龙”成为关注焦点。先是报道称上海外国语大学吴友富教授提出“为避免西方误解,不以龙作中国形象标志”,因为“龙”的英文是“Dragon”,与汉...蛇、鳄、蜥蜴等爬行动物,还有鱼、蜃等水生动物,以及雷电、虹霓、龙卷风、星宿等自然天象。龙的主体应该是爬行动物和哺乳动物的结合,而非哺乳动物一类独占。“long”是“龙”的汉语拼音。英语中有“long ……
外国语大学党委书记吴友富教授语出惊人:“我们正在考虑取消‘龙’作为中国形象代表的地位,同时塑造新的国家形象标志。” 此言一出随即激起千层浪,各界争论的焦点一度从语言翻译技术的层面上升到了中华民族尊严的高度。但近几日,处于风口浪尖的吴友富教授一再对媒体澄清:“我从未发表过‘中国国家形象可能不再是龙’的观点,只是希望通过对‘构塑中国国家形象品牌’的研究,构建和谐文化,不断提升中国的国际形象。”据了解,此次“龙”作为 ……
Can you see an angel (天使), a dragon (龙), an S and a blue hat? ……
1.crocodile n.鳄鱼2.dragon n.龙3.ploice n.警方 ……
摘自: 生词大本营[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
Can you find the following words about the new year in the box?party celebrate January balloon (气球) dragon (龙) countdown (倒数) fireworks (烟花) resolution (决心)Word search answer: ……
乐趣无穷的宠物狗形象大赛。DOES this dog have real wings (翅膀)? In fact, it is the winner in a dog show in the UK. The dog looks like a red dragon (龙). There are also many other dog models (模特), such as “Lady Gaga ……
dragons (龙), horses and cartoon characters. Optimus Prime is a kids’ favorite. Robots! Transform (变形 ……
are in different shapes, such as pandas, animals of the Chinese zodiac (生肖) and a 20-meter-long dragon (龙 ……
1. Why do dragons (龙) sleep during the day?2. Where does the world’s biggest spider live?3. Why did the boy study in the airplane?Answers: 1. So they can fight knights (骑士). ( knight和night发音相同)2 ……
二月初二,“龙”为啥要“抬头”呢?二月初二,“龙”为啥要“抬头”呢?The second day of the second lunar (农历的) month is the Dragon Head-Raising Day (龙抬头). This year, it’s on February 21. On that day, stars called the “dragon horn (龙角 ……
家有“龙”妈家有“龙”妈It’s the Year of the Dragon. And it’s my mom’s year. She’s a dragon in the Chinese zodiac (生肖). It’s the Year of the Dragon. And it’s my mom’s year. She’s a dragon ……
master, two women dressed in traditional clothes and a pair ofdragons(龙).Although Nike explained ……
Chinese people may soon only have one day for the May Day holiday but more public holidays a year. Some traditional festivals, such asTomb-Sweeping Day(清明节),Dragon(龙) Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn ……
藏恐龙蛋的地点泄露你对友情的态度。* This mind test is just for fun. Don’t take it seriously.Q: If you had a dragon (龙) egg, where would you put it?A. In a tree.B. Beside a river.C. Beside a road.D. In a box.Answer ……
汉语意思找出在文中所对应的单词并大声朗读出来。1. 饮料____________ 2. 龙____________3. 梦想____________ 4. 驾驶____________5. 连衣 ……