1522年9月6日, 历时3 年的麦哲伦首次环球航行结束。 Heprovedthat the earth was round, not flat.麦哲伦:葡萄牙人,伟大的航海家和冒险家。生词大本营 prove 证明生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营prove 证明prove 证明prove 证明 ……
布) discovered5 the New World — the Americas. Magellan (麦哲伦) also had a lot of stories of the sea. It’s really ……
生活在温带的“另类”企鹅Where do penguins live? Is it Antarctica (南极洲)? Bingo! But some penguins live in warm places too. Look at these penguins. They are Magellanic penguins (麦哲伦企鹅). These lovely animals live ……
years behind the Chinese. And so were other explorers, such as Cook,Magellan(麦哲伦) andVasco da Gama ……
. Magellanic Penguin 麦哲伦企鹅5. Leatherback Turtle 棱皮龟6. Bluefin Tuna 蓝鳍金枪鱼7. Mountain Gorilla 山地大猩猩8 ……
years. Magellanic penguin (麦哲伦企鹅)These penguins live along the coasts (海岸) of South America ……
and give birth on floating ice. Climate change is causing the ice to melt. Magellanic penguin (麦哲伦 ……
were other explorers, such as Cook,Magellan(麦哲伦) andVasco da Gama(达伽马), whose heroic voyages took ……
IN1520, Ferdinand Magellan (费迪南德.麦哲伦), a Portuguese adventurer, made the first sailing (航行) around the world. On June 14, 2008, nearly 500 years later, 16-year-old Zac Sunderland set off on a similar ……
IN1520, Ferdinand Magellan (费迪南德.麦哲伦), a Portuguese adventurer, made the first sailing (航行) around the world. On June 14, 2008, nearly 500 years later, 16-year-old Zac Sunderland set off on a similar ……
种方言,一种是诺姆拉基语,另一种是温图语。2008年时,只有一个人能够流利地说这种语言,另有几个人勉强能说。17.亚格汉语(Yaghan)是智利麦哲伦区纳瓦里诺岛上的一种语言。2005年时,一位 ……