跑遍七大洲的马拉松小将。IT was a Saturday morning in 2014. That’s when Nikolas Toocheck crossed (穿过) the finish line of a 42-km race. It was a marathon (马拉松) at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains (高加索 ……
, but in exploring a constitution (宪法) drafted by a group of Caucasian men (高加索人) five centuries ago... a constitution (宪法) drafted by a group of Caucasian men (高加索人) five centuries ago.I thought about the reasons ……
9月23日,北京外国语大学非洲学院和亚洲学院正式揭牌成立。北外已获批开设101种外国语,覆盖所有与中国建交国家的官方语言,新成立的两个学院计划在三到五年内陆续开设新增的非通用语。据了解,自1941年建校以来,北外从抗战时期俄语起家,到亚非拉、中东欧语种的创办,学校始终与国家发展大局同向同行。近几年来,北外主动响应国家“一带一路”倡议,有计划地增设了非洲、中亚及高加索、南亚、南太 ……
) by a group of Caucasian men (高加索人) five centuries ago. I’ve typically been uninterested... (起草) by a group of Caucasian men (高加索人) five centuries ago. I thought about the reasons behind ……
eight years in theNorth Caucasus territory(北高加索地区).3. United StatesGun expert caught美国警方拘捕连环枪杀案嫌犯A GULF ……
-Asian". It would not cross our minds that white people are "so Caucasian (高加索人的)" either. Although ……
看出他很有天分,但是并没有认真对待他。(take)5. 他们将会具备这些技能。(equip)6. 他证明了情况并不是这样。(case)获奖翻译1. 我们也不会产生认为白人很"高加索"的想法。注:cross ……
, agreed to a union with Russia. But theMuslim(穆斯林) Chechens inCaucasus(高加索)resisted. Soon ……
’s North Caucasus (高加索) regions. Most people there are Muslims. After the fall of the Soviet Union ……
愿以偿地考入了中国社科院外文所,成为了张羽老师的研究生。我的文学研究生涯也由此起步了。从1986年我在《艺谭》第2期上发表的第一篇分析布莱希特《高加索灰阑记》表演艺术的论文到现在,也已经有21个春 ……