Over the moon极为高兴Go and tell Jack that he has been accepted by the university. He will be over the moon.赶紧去告诉杰克他被大学录取的消息,他会非常高兴的。 ……
是“不幸的”。形容词lucky加上un就构成了它的反义词,常见的这类词语还有:happy (高兴的) — unhappy (不高兴的)kind (友好的) —unkind (不友好的) ……
结) on ajarof honey. It is her present for the new neighbors.生词大本营 empty 空的unhappy 不高兴的different 不同的building 建造fence 栅栏jar 罐子生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营empty 空的unhappy 不高兴的different 不同的building 建造fence 栅栏jar 罐子empty ……
赞美老爸Dad: Mary, if you praise (赞美) me, I will be very happy!Daughter: OK! You have a very clever3 and pretty4 daughter!爸爸:玛丽,如果你能赞美我两句,我会非常高兴的!女儿:好的!你有一个又聪明又漂亮的女儿! ……
agent said. It is also reported that Sun has changed her diet to include more oranges. Thrilled意思是 “极度高兴的 ……
时间) , Jacky cheers up his teammates. At last, they win the game. “High five!”可以用来表示你和同伴为了庆祝高兴的事情而相互击掌,可以 ……
took it to the king (国王). The king was pleased (高兴的) and gave the man a lot of money.When a rich ……
in together earlier this year. Adele announced that she was pregnant in June.Ecstatic意思是“狂喜的,极其高兴的”。同义词还有thrilled,意思是“非常兴奋、高兴”;exuberant则意为“(因为充满活力和能量而)欢快、快乐的”。阿黛尔今日喜得贵子,自然高兴异常。 ……
下雨天才会“现身”的街头艺术!WE all feel a little less cheerful (高兴的) and the world seems a little less colorful when it rains. But what if it didn’t have to be like that? Imagine walking down the street ……
this puppy look very grumpy (不高兴的) indeed! When you look at Madame Eyebrows, it looks like the dog must ……
值得高兴的事情My Teens dream我为什么想成为Teens小记者。I recentlyapplied(申请) to be a Teens reporter. If my articles get in the newspaper, I can show them to my classmates. How exciting! I still remember when my first ……
to our class.delighted adj. 高兴的用法:delight v. 让某人高兴。I'm delighted to see you here.考点看台"The signal ……
a drink with me?”The fisherman was delighted (高兴的) to accept his offer (提议), and the two men went ……
.”21STDelighted adj. 高兴的,愉快的,快乐的。丁俊晖赢下其职业生涯首个威尔士公开赛冠军,不但将个人排名赛冠军数增加到了5个,也令他信心倍增,期待自己在世锦赛能有更好的表现。 ……
表示让他人愤怒的词语还有enrage主要强调让人非常不高兴的动作;infuriate表示更加强烈的甚至极端的愤怒;make one’s blood boil较为形象,“让人怒火中烧,热血澎湃”。一贯 ……