Dolly the sheep was the first animal cloned in 1996, cats, cows, bulls (公牛) and mules (骡子) have all ……
我本应该帮忙A man is traveling with a donkey and a mule (骡子). Both animals are carrying goods (货物) on their backs. The goods are not very heavy. The two feel okay. But then they start to climb a mountain ……
自私的下场。词数 117 建议阅读时间 3分钟 A MAN was traveling with a donkey and a mule (骡子). Both animals were carrying goods on their backs. The goods were not very heavy and the two felt okay. But then they started ……
was the first animal cloned in 1996, cats, cows,bulls(公牛) andmules(骡子) have all been cloned.Mechanical ……
their nets (网) by hand. Later, they used mules (骡子) and at last workhorses to carry much larger, heavier... England.At first, they pulled their nets (网) by hand. Later, they used mules (骡子) and at last workhorses ……
available, donkeys and mules (骡子) transported army supplies. During World War I, camels and horses... and mules (骡子) transported army supplies. During World War I, camels and horses helped the Australian ……
promised my word me and the boys would get her there quick as mules (骡子) could walk it, so she could... would get her there quick as mules (骡子) could walk it, so she could rest quiet.” He rubs his ……
on a mule (骡子). He has golden hair and a pair of wings. He doesn't go into people's homes down ……
义词。近义词stubborn笼统地表示“固执的”,习语有as stubborn as a mule (骡子)。虎母无犬女,好一对强势母女。 UnconcernedYao Ming, 30 ……
的谚语还有:as blind as a bat 像蝙蝠一样盲目as gentle as a lamb 像小羊一样温和as stubborn as a mule 像骡子一样顽固 2. 要学会用数字说话:第二 ……
eating briars.短语解释Mule指“骡子”,briar指“石南”,grinning like a mule eating briars是固定用法,意为grinning from ear to ear, displaying all your teeth, much like a mule eating briars would look, 表示“咧着嘴露齿而笑”,因为骡子 ……
a boat or a crew. He only has a hen, a mule (骡子) and one tool. The hen, the mule and the tool come from the boat.4. The duke does not have a boat or a crew. He only has a hen, a mule (骡子) and one ……
深他们对课文内容的理解和把握。如老鼠、骡子和猫头鹰的英汉国俗语义截然不同。汉语中常用“贼眉鼠眼”“鼠目寸光”等来形容“举止猥琐”和“目光短浅”。但是,老鼠在英语俚语中却可用来指女人或害羞的人。另外,由于迪斯尼Mickey Mouse的形象,老鼠的形象大放异彩,成为千家万户所喜爱的动物,尤其在儿童心目中,更是机智和智慧的象征。汉语中,骡子的特征是“寿命长、体力强健”,而英语中骡子则是“顽固”的代 ……
traveling to their homeland.Mule在这里不是“骡子”,而是比喻越境偷运物品的人,把物品藏在运输工具、行李、衣服内,贴身携带或把身体作为容器。最后一种方式常用于毒品偷运,这种 ……
.”“He hits like a mule (骡子) for his age,” Ronny says. “And he has the sort of heart to just keep ……