2017年9月,新学年刚刚开始不久,我收到湖北教育出版社唐瑾编审的电话. 简单的问候之后,她直奔主题,说2018年是中国改革开放四十周年,中国翻译研究界有必要对改革开放以来四十个春秋中国翻译事业的发展,尤其是翻译研究的探索之路,做一回顾、检视、反思与展望,能否再次携手合作,组织中国翻译学界的专家撰写一部《改革开放以来中国翻译研究概论(1978-2018)》. 我没有多加思索,便欣然应允了. 应允的原因有三. ……
近日拜读了梅德明教授的新作《新编英汉学习词典》,读后感触良多. 梅老师在词典编纂、语言学、外语教育研究等方面造诣深厚,早在2004年就领衔出版了约150万字的《大中小学一条龙英语人才培养模式研究》,该研究成果于2005年荣获国家级教学成果二等奖. 此后十年磨一剑,2017年由北京大学出版社出版的《语言学与应用语言学百科全书》荣获上海市哲学社会科学优秀著作二等奖和第八届高校人文社科奖三等奖. 近日拜读了梅德明教授的新作《新编英汉学习词典》,读后感触良多. ……
给恐龙“洗个澡”。 BILL Simpson is a manager (馆长) of a museum in Chicago (芝加哥) in the US. He is cleaning a very big skeleton (骨架) of a dinosaur. It’s the most complete (最完整的) and the most famous skeleton ……
; at library天津图书馆迎来“猫馆长”。天津图书馆迎来“猫馆长”。Would you like to have a cat with you... to act as “intern curators (实习馆长)” starting from Aug 24. They are of many different breeds ……
为加强我国外语院校图书馆间的横向交流,共同为全国外语院校读者打造一个高质量的资源平台和服务平台,北京外国语大学、上海外国语大学、广东外语外贸大学三校的图书馆日前决定联合发起成立全国外语院校图书馆联盟。北外图书馆馆长戴龙基、副馆长杨晓景、广外图书馆馆长李敬平与上外图书馆馆长胡礼忠、常务副馆长白晓梅等日前齐聚上外松江校区图书馆,共同探讨了成立全国外语院校图书馆联盟的相关事宜。会议确定今后将举行联盟成立会议暨第一次馆长 ……
and art,” says Wu Yongqi, curator (馆长) of the Museum of the Terracotta Warriors. Almost 60,000 ……
. Beautiful, isn’t it? Perhaps you’re not convinced, but the curators (馆长) of the museum apparently ……
Rauhut, curator (馆长) at the Bavarian State Collection of Paleontology and Geology, said in an interview ……
could order from the factory,” Ron Twellman, a curator (馆长) at the EAA AirVenture Museum, told the Daily ……
more people to experience China’s traditional culture after work hours, said Museum curator (馆长) Shan ……
to Shan Jixiang, curator (馆长) of the museum. TEENS ……
A detective needs to have great logical thinking ability (逻辑思维能力). Use the clues (线索) to solve the puzzle. A museum employed a new curator (馆长). However, the first week he misplaced (错放) a painting ……
currently live at the Western Shore Book House. Photo provided to China Daily天津图书馆迎来“猫馆长”。词数 203 建议阅读时间 4分钟天津图书馆迎来“猫馆长”。词数 203 建议阅读时间 4分钟Western Shore Book House has drawn ……
;A museum employed a new curator (馆长). However, during his first week, he misplaced (错放) a painting from... the puzzle. A museum employed a new curator (馆长). However, during his first week, he misplaced (错放 ……
cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) in the future,” said the museum’s curator (馆长) . TEENSWhat...’s curator (馆长) . TEENS ……