”,from hero to zero表示“突然性地由盛转衰,由成功走向失败“。反之,from zero to hero则指“突然飞黄腾达”。 ……
成功,飞黄腾达”。意思是“鲤鱼跃龙门,逆袭成功,飞黄腾达”。After his parents won the lottery, John went from zero to hero overnight. 父母中了彩票后,约翰一夜之间飞黄腾达。After his parents won the lottery, John went from zero to hero overnight. 父母 ……
.And, to get you started, Teens has picked two hot ones.The Apprentice (《飞黄腾达》)This American reality TV ……
EnemyTo be successful you need friends and to be very successful you need enemies. 朋友助你取得成功,对手助你飞黄腾达。——西德尼·谢尔顿Sidney Sheldon (1917-2007, US writer and producer)You have enemies? Good. That means you ……
EnemyTo be successful you need friends and to be very successful you need enemies. 朋友助你取得成功,对手助你飞黄腾达。——西德尼·谢尔顿Sidney Sheldon (1917-2007, US writer and producer)You have enemies? Good. That means you ……
"发迹"的表达:from rags to riches 从一贫如洗到富可敌国move up the social ladder/the totem pole 平步青云;飞黄腾达 pull ……
ladder平步青云;飞黄腾达 pull oneself up by the bootstraps 自力更生self-made man 白手起家 ……
the difference between prosperity (飞黄腾达) and mediocrity (平庸). This couldn’t be truer for students ……