小鹅们的超级“奶爸”Christian Moullec from France is a pilot (飞行员). Many years ago, he raised up (养大) a group of geese. The geese believe (认为) Christian is their mother. They like to follow him everywhere ……
年龄最小的飞行员Do you want to be Buzz Lightyear? Matt Guthmiller is a 19-year-old boy. He is from North Dakota (北达科他州), the US. In 2014, He became the youngest pilot to fly around the world. His trip took ……
is your dream?12岁的蔡一峰是深圳市石岩公学的一名小“飞行员”。他喜欢飞航模。“看到我的飞机象鸟儿一样飞,真是太兴奋了,”一峰说。有时他的飞机会坠毁。但他不放弃,而是想办法把飞机修好。他想长大了开真的飞机!你的梦想是什么?生词大本营 pilot 飞行员crash 猛撞fix 修理 生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营pilot 飞行员crash 猛撞fix 修理 pilot ……
瑞典飞行员持假执照飞行13年。A SWEDISH pilot (瑞典飞行员) has been flying for 13 years without a license (飞行执照). Dutch police caught the pilot at an airport in Amsterdam. He was going to fly a plane to Ankara, Turkey ……
. It is able to take two people including (包括) the pilot (飞行员). It costs about 800,000 yuan. ……
YOUNGpilots(飞行员) Jimmy Haywood and Kenny Roy set world records after a three-day flight from California to Canada on September 25. Jimmy, 11, became the youngest black pilot to make an international ……
CAN a man fly like a plane? Yves Rossy can. He is a Swiss pilot (瑞士飞行员). He is 49 years old. On September 26, he flies across the English Channel (英吉利海峡) from France. He flies 35 kilometers ……
是) a pilot (飞行员)....“火箭人”空中翻筋斗Swiss (瑞士人) Yves Rossy is 51 years old. He invents4 a wing suit (飞行衣). He wears his wing ……
in Mexico. About 200 pilots (飞行员) from 14 countries took part in the festival. 21ST ……
你是做什么的?I’m a … 我是一个……Who do you work for? 你为谁工作? I work for a … 我为……工作。lawyer 律师 dentist 牙医 vet 兽医 detective 侦探 reporter 记者 mailman 邮递员 movie star 电影明星pilot 飞行员 ……
帅气的狗狗飞行员Meet Callie the dog pilot. Callie is a 3-year-old dog from the UK. When she was 3 months old, she had her first flight (飞行) with her owner (主人). Now, Callie has more than 250 hours of flight ……
19岁少年成为世界上最年轻的环球飞行员。Do you want to be Buzz Lightyear? Matt Guthmiller is a 19-year-old boy. He is from North Dakota (北达科他州), US. In 2014, He became the youngest pilot to fly around the world. His ……
ICIC世界上最年轻的飞行员。世界上最年轻的飞行员。Alex Westgate is a 14-year-old from the UK. Dec 9 is his birthday. On that day, he became the world’s youngest glider pilot (滑翔机飞行员). Alex began to learn to fly ……
A BRAVE heart wants to go where no man has gone before. Yuri Gagarin, a former Soviet Union air force pilot (前苏联空军飞行员), did exactly that. On April 12, 1961, he became the first person to travel ……
神奇的圆形彩虹Can a rainbow look like a full circle? A lucky pilot (飞行员) from the United States saw a rainbow like this. At that time, the pilot was flying about 300 meters high in the sky. Suddenly, he saw ……