高考词汇adopt v. 收养,领养Paul's mother had him adopted because she couldn't look after him.live up to sth 达到预期He finds it hard to live up to his ideals. ……
.Foster在文中作形容词,意为“收养/寄养的”,它也可作动词 注意,另外一个词adopt是“领养”的意思。“领养”和“寄养”的区别在于,前者让领养者成为被领养者法律上的父母,而后者不存在这种法律上的关系。 ……
) with their pets. Nearly half of them said they celebrate their pet’s birthday or adoption day (领养日) every ……
saving the world.这位非洲裔美国人的读者认为像麦当娜那样的明星们连自己国家正在受苦的有色人种都没有顾及到,为什么要去领养外国孩子呢?还是先处理好国内的诸如种族主义,贫困... the same. You cannot take that from me or her with armchair judgments and political philosophy.这位读者自己的女儿就是从越南领养 ……
people will not want to adopt (领养) her. To help, they taught her sign language. Polo is a really quick.... They want Polo to have a fresh start. But they are worried people will not want to adopt (领养) her. To help ……
弹性延迟领养老金年龄The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will propose a more flexible pension system at an appropriate time to keep a balance between employment and *shortfall in retirement ……
-being and adoption (领养) of homeless dachshunds.On Nov 19, dachshunds (腊肠犬) of all varieties were taken... to the well-being and adoption (领养) of homeless dachshunds.On Nov 19, dachshunds (腊肠犬) of all varieties ……
) to potential rescue dog adopters (领养人) that you can teach an old dog new tricks,” said Christine Kalin ……
is famous for her love of dogs. She has adopted several pet dogs since 2005. Adopt 是动词,表示“收养,领养”。尽管工作繁忙,孙俪依然抽时间照顾领养的宠物狗。不愧是“爱心大使”。 ……
animals. The caring Luo adopted (领养) many animals; there are 14 cats and 12 dogs in his house. What ……
are the parents of the family. They have five kids. Three of them are adopted (领养的). Because of a disease called ……
levels and potentially (有可能地) increase the likelihood of adoption (领养),” said Kogan. ……
) to potential rescue dog adopters (领养人) that you can teach an old dog new tricks.” ……
。贾斯汀·比伯将自己领养的新宠仓鼠Pac随手塞给女粉丝。如果音乐界有最佳宠物主人奖,这位万人迷是一定落选了!21st ……
adoption (领养) center. Its revolutionary alarm system came free of charge. ……