a teenager 为题写一篇英语作文。要点:1、谈谈自己对“青少年的责任”的理解;  ...写一篇英语作文。要点:1、谈谈自己对“青少年的责任”的理解; 2、结合 ……
新冠疫情是一场没有人能置之度外的战斗,而胜利的关键是风雨中一个个敢于担当、坚定有力的“铁肩膀”. 担当意味着主动付出和奉献、不畏难不推诿,它需要非凡的勇气和意志. ……
Tips for teenagersTips for teenagers Step 1: Be active in classSpeaking up in class might be difficult, but it helps to make you feel more confident and improve your ability to express yourself. It’s okay if you give the wrong answer. All smart students do and your classmates won’t really mind. ……
TUCHONGTUCHONG什么是青少年的“阳刚之气”?什么是青少年的“阳刚之气”?PAGE 2PAGE 2Are Chinese youth lacking masculinity? What exactly is it? People are starting to change their minds about this concept ……
21ST CENTURY21ST CENTURY“Z世代”讲述青少年的责任与担当“Z世代”讲述青少年的责任与担当PAGES 3 & 7PAGES 3 & 7How do young Chinese define responsibility? How do they plan to help build the nation ……
PHOTOS PROVIDED TO TEENS PHOTOS PROVIDED TO TEENS聆听中美俄青少年的抗疫心声聆听中美俄青少年的抗疫心声PAGES 37-40PAGES 37-40How can we reach mutual understanding and act in unity to fight the global ……
; PHOTOS PROVIDED TO TEENS聆听中美俄青少年的抗疫心声聆听中美俄青少年的抗疫心声PAGES 3-6PAGES 3-6How can we ……
国情影响青少年的职业理想。“WHEN I grow up, I want to be…” Growing up everyone has a dream job. However, while your future career might seem like something you can choose, this isn’t always the case. Actually what ……
美国青少年的课后娱乐活动。词数 98 建议阅读时间 2分钟WHAT do you do to “reward” yourself after a long day at school? You might update (更新) your micro blog or go to the cinema; some people simply hang out with friends ……
life. If everything is measured in money, it could have a bad effect in the future.下周讨论话题: 现在的模特大赛或选美大赛中常常能看到青少年的...讨论话题:现在的模特大赛或选美大赛中常常能看到青少年的身影。你对此有何看法?欢迎各校积极主持讨论,联系电话:(010)64812126。还可建议其他话题,也可登陆我们的网站加入讨论。现在的模特大赛或选美大赛中常常能看到青少年的 ……
present美国青少年的新宠iPodWHAT do American children want most? A report says that young people in America ……
据越南媒体报道,由澳大利亚领事馆文化教育处(驻越南代表处)组织的面向越南16至22岁青少年的英语博客大赛My eSpace近日启动。大赛为期3个月,欲参加者可登录网站www.my-espace.net进行注册。根据大赛规定,所有参赛者只能用英语撰写博客,每篇词数在400至500之间。此外,参赛者每周最多只能上传一篇博客。评委将重点考查作者使用英语语言的准确度和语言表达的清晰度。据了解,一等 ……
Title: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens 《杰出青少年的七个习惯》Author: Sean CoveyIT is difficult to grow up. But as teenagers, you may find it easier to deal with growing up after you read a book ……
to China. He met (会面) his Japanese fans there. Bieber is now one of the most popular teenage (青少年的 ……
for teenagers. 她努力工作,是青少年的榜样。She is the apple of everyone’s eye. 每个人都很喜欢她。 ……