闲暇时,点燃一支雪茄(cigar),再配一杯白兰地醇酿(brandy)或果味餐后酒(dessert wine),真是一种绝妙的搭配。今天,雪茄以其极具品位之姿态,日渐流行,成为高品质生活的一个元素。上月底,一种古巴“倍宜可”(Behike)牌雪茄进入西班牙市场。这种雪茄为庆祝“可喜巴”系列雪茄诞生40周年而生产,每根售价约471美元,每盒40根,一盒雪茄售价高达18,860美元。据说,这是世界上最昂贵的雪茄 ……
. The boy was smoking a long brown cigar (雪茄).The man was very surprised to see a boy smoking, so he asked ……
” emoji doesn’t have a cigar (雪茄) in his mouth anymore. This change was made to encourage... (雪茄) in his mouth anymore. This change was made to encourage people to say no to smoking. In 2017 ……
popular.近日,一名加拿大艺术家用废弃的雪茄箱子做成吉他在网上出售。这种别出心裁的"烟盒"吉他,大受买家欢迎。皮特斯罗伯特使用空雪茄箱子制作吉他的音箱,而不是普通的木材。这种...的热销吸引了一家杂志对此进行报道。据悉,由于他接到的订单过多,当地雪茄商所能提供的雪茄箱子已无法满足他的需要。 ……
摘自: 世界真奇妙[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
papercigar(雪茄) and carried it in the ceremony.Class flagJin Lu, 13, of Class 9, Junior 2: "Our class played ……
, large jowls (双下巴) and cigars (雪茄). Reporter Brian Truitt wrote in USA Today that after watching ……
(古巴雪茄) and wearing designer clothes.He also knows how to use the media. Schroeder favours pretty ……
: Cuba'scigars(雪茄)are the best in the world. Cuba also makes a lot of money through tourism ……
for its coffee and cigars (雪茄).Taste of Cuba古巴美食Time for dinner! What is on Cubans’ dinner table? Fish ……
wearing a hat. He likes keeping a cigar (雪茄) in his mouth. He is the idol (偶像) of detective Conan ……
wearing a hat. He likes keeping a cigar (雪茄) in his mouth. He is the idol (偶像) of detective Conan ……
们还要给父亲制作一些精美的小礼品,或者送给他们领带、雪茄烟、 书、高尔夫球棒、男用香水等礼品。此外,人们还会在胸前佩带红玫瑰表示对健在父亲的爱戴,佩带白玫瑰则表达对故去父亲的悼念。后来温哥华的人们选择佩戴白丁香、宾夕 ……
of the Pharaoh (1934)奇怪的雪茄(阿拉伯和印度)The Blue Lotus (1936)蓝莲花(中国上海)The Calculus Affair (1956)卡尔库鲁斯案件(瑞士 ……
of the Pharaoh (1934)奇怪的雪茄(阿拉伯和印度)The Blue Lotus (1936)蓝莲花(中国上海)The Calculus Affair (1956)卡尔库鲁斯案件(瑞士 ……
“(使)起水疱”。短语解释Reek of指“散发……的气味;具有浓烈的……气味,” 如:Your breath reeks of stale cigar smoke. (你满嘴都是难闻的雪茄味。) 这里是说,睡袋散发着他爸爸雪茄的味道。 ……