真郁闷A: Hi, you look unhappy.B: I have the blues. We plan to have a barbecue party tomorrow. But it will rain tomorrow.have the blues 是说某人郁闷,不高兴或闷闷不乐。 blue在英文中常表示郁闷,忧伤或沮丧的情绪。例如:blue Monday意思是郁闷的星期一。 ……
用来表达“郁闷”、“悲伤”或“沮丧”。 比如“in blue mood”(闷闷不乐),“blue Monday”(郁闷的星期一)。 ……
拉尔夫在忙着把两节绳子系在一起。终于系好了,“应该可以了!(That should do it!)”拉尔夫高兴地说。不过,妻子却有点郁闷:“每当你把裤腰带加长的时候,我都感觉很难受!”“假期的时候,我老是会增肥,”拉尔夫无奈地说道。 ……
human beings.HELPgo out of date: 过时depressed adj. 沮丧的、郁闷的recommend v. 推荐passion n. 激情late adj. 去世的tragic adj.悲剧的HELPHELPHELPgo out of date: 过时depressed adj. 沮丧的、郁闷的recommend v. 推荐passion n. 激情late adj ……
嘘,这是秘密! 每个人都有自己喜欢的球队,我也不例外。可是我喜欢的球队和大家支持的球队不一样,真郁闷!为什么郁闷?嘘,这是秘密!1Can you keep a secret? I had to for a long, long time. My family were all Boxton Town fans, but I supported a different team – Boxton ……
adj. 落后的loan n. 贷款depressing adj. 让人痛心的,郁闷的HELPHELPHELPtrack down: 追踪backward adj. 落后的loan n. 贷款depressing adj. 让人痛心的,郁闷的track down: 追踪backward adj. 落后的loan n. 贷款depressing adj. 让人痛心的,郁闷的track down: 追踪 ……
个短语常用于表示"心情烦闷、情绪低落",但它们有细微的区别。按郁闷程度从轻到重排列为:be out of sorts (slightly unhappy or slightly ill)feel on edge ……
to follow suit. (班长说考试太难让她很郁闷,之后,其他学生也纷纷表达了同样的想法。) ……
said he was depressed (郁闷的) during his stay in the hospital. “At the time, I felt it was the end ……
. Distraught的意思是“悲伤或郁闷到不能思考”。Agitated的意思则更偏向于“不安的,情绪不稳定的”;而troubled则更为宽泛的表示“有烦恼的“。梅西一年中两次与洲际大赛冠军失之交臂,的确 ……
开学一个月以来,什么事情让你非常郁闷?在这里,你就大声说出来吧!Yang PengqianYuncheng): In the new semester I have been arranged (安排) into a new class and I've also got new friends. What frustrates (使郁闷) me is that I don't know ……
开学至今,发生在你身上最郁闷的事情是什么?Miao Mengying (Suqian, Jiangsu): This semester, our class has moved from... depressing (郁闷的) thing was that the teacher scolded (批评) me for bothering the student when I tried to get ……
lie.The child tells his mom a white lie.feel blue 感到郁闷feel blue 感到郁闷Alex feels blue today. Alex ……
news that leaves you with a sinking (郁闷的) feeling? An article published (发表) by the Journal... a piece of scary news that leaves you with a sinking (郁闷的) feeling? An article published (发表 ……
lemon treeIs just another lemon tree我感到诧异郁闷我感到诧异郁闷我不知所措 我不明所以我不知所措 我不 ……