IT ◆1. at large: 逍遥法外,逃脱束缚2. detention: 拘禁。3. drop dead of his own accord: 他是自己倒地而亡的。drop dead: 倒毙 ……
, just before police arrived to arrest him, so he is still at large. (每次警察去抓捕这个罪犯时,都有人向他泄了密,所以他仍然逍遥法外 ……
story. These people think they can get away with anything.— 首席执行官被判犯有欺诈罪。— 首席执行官被判犯有欺诈罪。— 还是老样子,这些人总以为他们可以逍遥法外。— 还是老样子,这些人总以为他们可以逍遥法外。 3. sob story3. sob story意为“(意在博取同情的)伤感故事”。意为“(意在 ……
, and goscot-free(逍遥法外)."I love the feeling of reading poems. Imagine you are alone in a room ……
".And he is. In the newly released hit movie, "Catch Me if You Can" (《逍遥法外》), Leonardo plays a smart ……
, Xinjiang. Another 14 suspects will be tried in the near future."绳之以法"的反义词"逍遥法外"可以翻译为:be at large ……
影片《逍遥法外》(Catch me if you can)讲述了通缉犯弗兰克(Frank)和FBI探员卡尔(Carl)之间上演的一场精心布局的追捕故事。弗兰克是FBI有史以来年龄最小的通缉犯,他伪装身份的能力超乎常人。然而,FBI探员卡尔盯住了他。 精彩回放在下面这段对话中,弗兰克再次化装成飞行员逃跑,卡尔试图劝阻他:Carl: You go back ……
culture’s obsession with social media complete with pop-up *hashtags.How to Get Away with Murder(《逍遥法外 ……
),或是“逍遥法外的”(at large)。 rewriting history重写历史The history of Adolf Hitler's death may have ……
radio station.How to Get Away With Murder (Season 2)《逍遥法外》(第二季)Debut: ABC, January 2015Imagine you ……
斯世界记录大全》(Guinness Book of World Records)。从1998年的《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan),到2002年的《逍遥法外》(Catch Me If You... Oscar Nominated Actor)美国演员杰克尼克逊尔(Jack Nicholson)自1969年因影片《逍遥骑士》(Easy Rider)获奥斯卡最佳男配角提名至今,已先后11次获 ……
知她这个东西上的人是谁,这个东西肯定是照片了。16. A。法官Raymond Adams感到震惊,York竟然欺骗众人并逍遥法外如此之久。get away with 侥幸成功,逃脱处罚。17. C ……