, such as research into different walking speeds, may make it clearer which adaptations (适应能力) have ……
远古大熊猫的适应能力可能超乎你的想象。Giant pandas have been living on Earth for millions of years. Other animals that lived long ago, such as stegodons (剑齿象) and smilodons (剑齿虎), have since died out. But we still have ……
than two million years ago. The DNA also shows that woolly mammoths’ adaptations (适应能力... than two million years ago. The DNA also shows that woolly mammoths’ adaptations (适应能力 ……
(恢复力) and improving their adaptability (适应能力). A blanket ban (全面禁止) means companies miss out on true..., overcoming challenges, showing resilience (恢复力) and improving their adaptability (适应能力). A blanket ban (全面 ……
专业八级水平,发音标准,听说读写能力强;两年以上英语教学工作经验,热爱教育事业,对英语教学法有一定的研究;具有良好的组织管理能力,擅长课堂宣讲,亲和力强;具有钻研探索精神,教学风格活泼风趣,适应能力强;工作 ……
摘自: 招贤纳士[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
and Transcript website, academic Deborah Wells said that vampires are "culturally adaptive (有适应能力 ……
are adaptable (有适应能力的). We can do many things.Who knows? Perhaps the US businessman Elon Musk was right when he ……
’s psychological (心理的) condition, adaptability (适应能力), creativity (创新能力), social morality (社会公德), awareness (意识 ……
amazement, after strict assessment, was offered a job.Taylor observed that Shami is “streetwise (适应能力 ……
培训课程注重培养跨文化交际能力 将为大学生实现国际化就业奠定基础
胜任国际机构工作的人才不到毕业生总数的10%,而大多数人缺乏在跨国企业工作的语言和文化适应能力。调查还显示,我国每年约有 60万名新工程师“诞生”,这一数字比美国多9倍,但其中仅有1.6万人拥有在国际企业工作的职业技能和语言能力。以IT业为例,全国IT职业英语水平考试项目组组长张宏岩表示,国内IT从业人员接近600万,但精通IT职业英语的国际化人才仅为从业人员总数的1%。对于具备语言和文化适应能力 ……
like this and learning how to get through it will only make you stronger and more resilient (适应能力... this and learning how to get through it will only make you stronger and more resilient (适应能力强的).Unfortunately, you ……
of the spacecraft and adaptability (适应能力) to the space environment, Wang Yaping, who is expected to become China... of the spacecraft and adaptability (适应能力) to the space environment, Wang Yaping, who is expected to become China ……
: You are cool andconfident. 喜欢挑战的你具有超强的适应能力。Make your own colours动动手yellow+blue=greenpink+yellow... lose hope. 开朗乐观的你一定大有作为!Brown: You are always happy andcontent. 你有很高的欣赏水平和审美能力。Yellow: You are good ……
从事对外汉语、中文、外语、教育等课程教学的教师及普通话测试员;有国外教学经历者优先考虑;普通话须达到二级甲等以上(含)水平;能较熟练地使用外语进行日常生活和工作交流;身心健康,具有较好的适应能力和交际沟通能力;符合 ……
摘自: 招贤纳士[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
外教学经历者优先考虑,普通话须达到二级甲等以上(含)水平。能较熟练地使用外语进行日常生活和工作交流。身心健康,具有较好的适应能力和交际沟通能力,符合国外教学岗位要求(详见www.hanban.org)。三、推荐 ……