走运 be luckyAt last, we’re on the train! We are lucky today! (我们终于赶上了火车。今天我们真走运啊!)走路 walk The baby is learning to walk. (这个小孩在学走路。)走调儿 out of tune Anne’s guitar is always out of tune. (安妮的吉他总是走调儿。)走神daydreamTom often daydreams in class. ……
1 How do you spell mousetrap (捕鼠器)?2 How many sides (边) does a circle have?3 Do you write with your right hand or left hand?Key:1. C-A-T. 2. Two. The inside and the outside! 3. Neither (两个都不). I use ……
Boil water using magicMagic tricks are always welcomed at a Christmas party.Here is an amazing trick: boil water in a cardboard box.Fold up theedges(边) of the card as above to make a box. Put three ……
搭一座彩虹桥What you need:● Colored papers● Scissors ● A pen● Tape (胶带) ● String (线) ● Cotton (棉花)How to make one:1.Cut strips (纸条), from small to large. Tape one end (边).2.Bend the strips. Tape the other ……
__ __ i __ __ __1.People build it over a river or a road. People or cars use it to go from one side (边) to the other. What is it?K__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __2.It’s a school. You go there before ……
a. Cut three lines on each side from the edge (边) like in the picture c . They come close to meeting ……
你为什么不去码头等船呢?A man was walking along a river. He saw a boy standing quietly at the river’s edge (边), looking at a boat. Later, the man walked back and saw the boy was still there. He was curious (好奇 ……
of glue on the loweredge(边) of the shade. Press the loose end of a roll ofcrepe paper(绉纱纸) onto the glue ……
”的意思,分别对应“卫(国)”和“戍(边)”。 此外,还可以用动词defend表示“保家卫国”,即protect our... last June.Safeguard和protect两个动词都表示“保护、保卫”的意思,分别对应“卫(国)”和“戍(边)&rdquo ……
looks like a twisted prism (扭曲棱镜). One end has five edges (边), and the other has six because of a Y... a twisted prism (扭曲棱镜). One end has five edges (边), and the other has six because of a Y-shaped connection ……
.---------------------------------------brim: 边,沿 dehydration: 脱水heat stroke: 中暑 subburn: 晒伤urine: 尿液 ……
lining (边). Although Dr Woolley's death is something nobody wanted to see, we must move on. ……
performers didn’t forget to present two landmarks of the city. St Paul’s Cathedral sits on the edge (边 ……
of the dumpling wrapper in my hand. I then spooned some mixture into the “cup” and pressed the edges (边 ……
Pearce.The new coin has 12 edges (边). On one side is the picture of the Queen. And on the other side ……