在英国,由于不同地域的口音不同,人们可以依据一个人的口音迅速辨认出对方的成长地,甚至社会阶层. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世的口音就被称为“女王英语”(Queen's. English),即英国上流社会的标准英语. 然而,英国《每日邮报》近日公布的一项最新研究结果显示,如今伊丽莎白二世的“女王英语”中却夹杂了一些社会阶层相对较低者的口音——“伦敦音”(cockney). ……
VCG “忙碌”何以成为社会地位的象征?“忙碌”何以成为社会地位的象征?Busyness has become a sign of prestige in modern society PAGES 4-5Busyness has become a sign of prestige in modern society PAGES ……
Zhang, will be a symbol (象征) of the bright future of the world. ……
have done for me”.Let’s have a look at the symbolic (象征的) meanings of some other flowers. ……
象征勇气的“叠人塔”。WHAT are the people in the picture doing? They are building a human tower (人塔). It is a game in Spain (西班牙). It is about 200 years old. People play twice a year. Usually, there are six ……
宾) became a symbol (象征) of the world’s population reaching 7 billion people. The baby is Danica May ……
欢乐复活节,甜蜜“邦尼兔”Do you know about Easter (复活节) bunnies? They are a big part of Easter. People see them as symbols (象征) of new life and Easter. In Western (西方的) people’s eyes, bunnies bring Easter eggs ……
. This is the symbol (象征) of Ireland. ……
, Labor member of parliament“(大本钟的声音)令人安心,它象征着国家稳定,象征着国家统一。”(《独立报》)近日,由于伦敦的伊丽莎白塔开始大规模维修翻新,英国...钟声已成为当地文化以及人们生活的重要组成部分,听到消息后,不少居民表示难以接受。英国工党议员史蒂芬·庞德的这段话表明,大本钟的声音象征着整个国家,“它响彻城区,把我们所有人联合起来,具有重要的象征意义(That sound ringing ……
and eat delicious Russian blinis (薄烤饼). The blini is a symbol (象征) of the sun, NPR reported. ……
是中国人喜爱的大红色(bright red),在中国有着极其丰富的象征意义,甚至可以象征中国,因而被称为“中国红”。中国国家馆选择红色也是表达了这层象征意义。所以笔者建议,不妨将其解释性地译为red...中国人对红色的偏爱。这些词在译成英文时,都可用red一词。 在中国传统文化中,红色象征高贵——皇宫的墙是红的,皇帝用的朱笔是红的,现在政府下发的“红头文件”(documents with the name ……
the Ichihara Elephant Kingdom in Japan wrote the Chinese zodiac (生肖) sign that symbolizes (象征) the rabbit... the Ichihara Elephant Kingdom in Japan wrote the Chinese zodiac (生肖) sign that symbolizes (象征 ……
journey, Jack, showing the spirit of spring, must symbolically (象征性地) die to release the spirit... the spirit of spring, must symbolically (象征性地) die to release the spirit of summer, with his greenery taken ……
it as it symbolizes (象征) a spirit of never giving up, a trait she demonstrates as well. In 1960... Goodall for many years. Goodall treasures it as it symbolizes (象征) a spirit of never giving up ……
is *one of the symbols (象征) of overpopulation (人口过剩). The little baby was 2.5kg. People from the UN ……