我们在生活中都会碰到这些情况:朋友与你聊天谈兴正浓,但你还有些紧急的事情要处理;你和某人聊天聊到无话可说,而对方又滔滔不绝. 在这种情况下,如何礼貌地结束一段对话呢?让我们一起来看看吧!我们在生活中都会碰到这些情况:朋友与你聊天谈兴正浓,但你还有些紧急的事情要处理;你和某人聊天聊到无话可说,而对方又滔滔不绝. 在这种情况下,如何礼貌地结束一段对话呢?让我们一起来看看吧!● 在打电话时:1. ……
根据中文提示填空,每空一词。Robert was having a day tour of the city and 1. __________ (停下) at a rest stop to use the bathroom. He had just sat down on the toilet when he 2. ……
TUCHONGTUCHONGWe need to talk a lot with our friends and family to build good relationships (关系) in our life. How can we improve our talking skills? Here are four ways that might help you have better conversations with people. We need to talk a lot with our friends and family to build good relationships (关系) in our life. ……
你喜欢怎样和别人谈话?How do you like to communicate (交流) with others most?A: By telephone.B: By QQ, MSN or other chat tools.C: Face-to-face.A: You talk a lot and your friends like listening to you.B: You only ……
hold court用谈话等吸引注意He is very talkative and usually holds court in parties.他非常健谈,在派对中总是唱主角。pit against对抗The organizers pit the champion boxer against the kungfu master.组织者们让拳击冠军和功夫大师对决。 ……
come to terms with与(某人或某事)妥协After a long hard talk, he has to come to terms with the fact that he is no longer the captain of the squad.经历长时间谈话以后,他终于接受了自己已不是球队队长这一事实。 ……
."仔细倾听和认真做答是谈话艺术能够达到的最高境界。"—— 拉罗什富科·弗朗索瓦(法国作家)和朋友讨论问题,你的脑子是否一两分钟后就开会儿小差?好的谈话者必然是好的倾听者。他们听到了问题并回答听众,而不 ……
训练的材料应该根据不同阶段的总目标、学生的英语水平、词汇量等设计相应的材料,循序渐进提高他们的听力。初级阶段可听些情景对话、故事、短小的谈话等,这些材料语言要通俗,比真实对话更精练、更典型、更实用。中级阶段的材料无论从语言到内容都要比基础阶段的材料提高一步,会话要更接近实际情况、更长一些,除此还可加入精选的、较简单的新闻广播和谈话节目。高级阶段则可包含正式的演说和会议发言,还可选用一些内容丰富的谈话 ……
a wonderful time here. 我在这里度过了难忘的时光3. It's a pleasure talking with you / Nice talking to you. 与你谈话很愉快4 ……
a friendly year表示“友好和耐心地倾听别人谈话的,乐于聆听的”,如:Lending an ear is the first step to success in political ……
tearful talks, they’ve worked it out,” said the source.Heart-to-heart意思是“推心置腹的谈话”;具体用法可以是have a heart ……
tearful talks, they’ve worked it out.” Heart-to-heart意思是“推心置腹的谈话”,即a conversation in which two ……
conversations (谈话) that you have with strangers. For example, when you’re waiting for a bus...;. It’s just short conversations (谈话) that you have with strangers. For example, when you’re ……
role也表达类似的意思。12月,凭借电影《超人:钢铁之躯》翻红的亨利·卡维尔通过社交平台发文表示,在与导演们谈话后得知他不会再扮演超人,对此他表示很遗憾。Signature意为“明显特征,鲜明特色,识别标志”,这里与role搭配,表示“标志性的角色”,iconic role也表达类似的意思。12月,凭借电影《超人:钢铁之躯》翻红的亨利·卡维尔通过社交平台发文表示,在与导演们谈话 ……
is updated four times a year, but given the overwhelming (势不可挡的) shift in public discourse (谈话) since..., the OED is updated four times a year, but given the overwhelming (势不可挡的) shift in public discourse (谈话 ……