VCGVCG花式课间操,舞出好心情。花式课间操,舞出好心情。Middle schools across the country have adopted innovative activities between classes.Middle schools across the country have adopted innovative activities between classes ……
我们课间操里练瑜伽!TO keep fit, Chinese students do morning group exercises at school every day. Most of you may do the same set of exercises. But students of Linyi No 15 Middle School in Shandong do a set ……
这个学校没有课间操,却有欢乐的舞蹈!IN Guizhou Yangwu Middle School, students don't have morning exercise. Instead, they do Jinji dance. Jinji dance is a traditional dance for Miao people in Guizhou. It is on the list ……
“花样”课间操走红,甘肃中学生跳敦煌舞。“花样”课间操走红,甘肃中学生跳敦煌舞。To stay fit, Chinese students do group exercises at school every morning. Most of you probably do the same set of exercises ……
本期话题:近日,各地中小学不断涌现多样化的课间操。比如,江苏淮安一中学自编篮球操,辽宁沈阳一小学课间练习花样跳绳。有人认为这是一种创新,也有人质疑多样化的课间操是否编排科学,能否达到锻炼效果。你的学校有自编操吗?你支持吗?YESZhang Xiyuan, 13, JiangsuCreative morning exercises are popular in our school because ……
本期话题:近日韩国人气歌手PSY(鸟叔)的《江南Style》风靡全球。从中国到美国,处处都能看见人们模仿鸟叔的“骑马舞”。这股热潮也吹进了中学校园,很多学校开始在课间操用“骑马舞”取代传统的广播体操。同学们跳得不亦乐乎,但有人对此提出异议。你如何看待“骑马舞”取代课间操?本期主持:四川省成都实验外国语学校本期主持人:袁啸昆本期指导老师:刘芙蓉Huang Ruijia, 13:I agree ……
趣味课间操 快乐十分钟
What do you do during class breaks? Do you just sit at your desk and wait for the next class? 北京市和平里二小的同学们全校总动员,参加了“快乐十分钟”自编自创课间操活动。Students use their favourite music, stories,rhymesand even animals ……
课间操也能玩出这么多花样!"ONE, two, three, four!" Students at Beijing Sanfan Middle School have done the same old group exercises for years. But now, it is changing.Last Thursday, 13 Junior 1 classes ……
. And I hope I can try it. They teach us the cha-cha dance. We teach them our class break exercises (课间操). ……
兔子舞和感恩舞让课间操变得丰富多彩!词数 260 建议阅读时间 7分钟MOST middle school students in China do radio gymnastic exercises (广播体操) during the morning break every day. But students of Daotian Middle School in Hunan do a set ……
没有课间操,美国学生在课间做什么?没有课间操,美国学生在课间做什么?As a Chinese student, you probably have morning exercises... call it “recess (课间休息)”. It’s a short daily play period (30 to 45 minutes) where ……
Running helps people stay fit. TUCHONGRunning helps people stay fit. TUCHONG课间操跑步:挥洒汗水,永不放弃。课间操跑步:挥洒汗水,永不放弃。Do you like running? Have you ever run with your classmates during break time?Our school ……
exerciseWHILE many teenagers are complaining about boring interim exercises (课间操), lucky students ……
What do you usually do in the school playground? 上体育课,做课间操,玩各种户外游戏?Some kids in Chongqing grow vegetables in the playground!一个晴朗的下午,重庆北碚区朝阳小学南校区400多名学生提着水桶,拿着锄头和铲子来到了操场上。There is a new piece ……
子队 unseeded team 啦啦队 cheerleading team/pep group 广播操 setting exercises to music 课间操physical exercises...操 setting exercises to music 课间操physical exercises during breaks Personal fitness for an Olympic nation ……