tried to give a lot of cool ideas in my story."HELPeducational adj. 教育的designer n. 设计师pick on 取笑mean adj. 不善良的HELPHELPHELPeducational adj. 教育的designer n. 设计师pick on 取笑mean adj. 不善良的educational adj. 教育 ……
this tower to remember the FrenchRevolution(革命). The tower is named after one of the designers (设计师).First ……
— to become afashion designer (时装设计师).As a fashion designer, I have to learn to draw well. Also I ……
(时装设计师).As a fashion designer, I have to learn to draw well. Also I will need to talk to foreign ……
撰稿人,自由设计师 ……
悉尼歌剧院为其不曾谋面的设计师乌特松带来建筑"诺贝尔"奖。White shell-like roofs, unlike anything else in the world, make the Sydney Opera House an image of timeless beauty. It is famous for being asymbol(象征), not only of a city ……
人总认为拥有这些东西才是使他们高兴的唯一办法。许多人只注意到自己没有什么,却不好好发挥自己的所长。一个人可能会抱怨自己无法成为科学家,因为他们的物理或化学成绩不太好。但是如果他们能够在自己擅长的方面多下些功夫,他们会发现自己拥有成为教师、律师或是设计师 ……
如果你喜欢音乐和艺术,将来也许可以成为演员、摄影师、艺术家、设计师或音乐家!What is this job like?DESIGNERS have a desire to create. They mix knowledge withartistic(艺术的) ability. Designers focus on a specific area. It could be in fashion ……
你喜欢大自然吗?动物驯养员、宠物医生、景观设计师或农业科学工作者都是不错职业选择哦!What is this job like?RESIDENTIAL areas(居民区), parks, playgrounds, colleges, shopping centres, golfcourses and theme parks.What do these places have in common ……
in the city! I also wish she can become a fashion designer (设计师). When we grow up, I will sell her ……
摘自: 生日送祝福[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初中版]
微软全新视窗操作系统 WINDOWS XP 在中国上市。Years ago, Bill Gates, chairman and chief software architect (董事长兼首席软件设计师) of the Microsoft Corporation (微软公司), dreamed of making computers easier and more enjoyable ……
designer. I just love Nike!(这是我最喜欢的设计师的作品,我特别喜欢Nike。)买东西的时候"狗头军师"的意见向来很具有影响力,不妨问一问:What do you think ……
现在的校服满意吗?如果你是服装设计师,你打算设计什么样的校服呢?欢迎联系主持讨论。联系电话:(010)64924488转3470。你也可登陆我们的网站加入讨论:www.21se.com.cn ……
said. "I thought that becoming a fashion designer (时装设计师) would be my ideal job."Elva studied fashion ……
that, but not in this combination." (上周四结束的伦敦时装周上,一些世界最知名的设计师展示了他们的2004年新款春夏时装。时装周掀起一股复古风潮-你可能经历过这些年代,穿过这些衣服,但却从没有像现在这样组合过。)5... traditional markets. (英美烟草、日本烟草和英国加拉赫集团有限公司都迫不及待地想要开发中国的烟草市场,以在成熟的传统市场之外求得发展。)Exercises1. 这次展览的主要目的是展示英国的设计 ……