据《每日电讯报》报道,英国知名语言学家David Crystal近日完成了一部新书,其内容为用100个单词讲述英语的历史。从百万英语单词中挑选出最具代表性的100个对作者来说是一项极具挑战性的任务,因为每个单词既要从一定意义上代表一系列单词,其本身又能讲述一段历史或一个故事,将这100个故事串联起来才能构成英语语言的历史。报道称,David首先确定的是第一个词roe(鱼卵)和最 ……
国人的视角生动地呈现了疫情发生以来中国人民团结一心抗击疫情的真实画面。同样由新星出版社出版的《站在你身后!——从特拉维夫到黄冈的384小时》(中、英文版)是我国第一本讲述抗击新冠肺炎疫情故事的多语种图书。书中讲述了在这384...由新星出版社出版的《站在你身后!——从特拉维夫到黄冈的384小时》(中、英文版)是我国第一本讲述抗击新冠肺炎疫情故事的多语种图书。书中讲述了在这384小时里,从以色列到中国,从特 ……
人与人相遇总是要有奇妙的缘分,到了一定的年龄,开始莫名地敬畏这种缘分. 杨宪益先生,应该是英专的我在大学期间听过的最鼎鼎有名的翻译家;赵蘅老师,应该是2021年《九零后》北京点映“联后代”发言中最闪闪发光的人物. 很难想象,这两位重要人物会在多年后因为一本书被大家更为熟知. 人与人相遇总是要有奇妙的缘分,到了一定的年龄,开始莫名地敬畏这种缘分. ……
《简·爱》的手稿、劳伦斯的亲笔信、雪莱的十四行诗、狄更斯的私人藏书票……备受关注的“文苑英华——来自大英图书馆的珍宝”3月15日至4月15日在上海图书馆开展,本次展览在全新的语境下呈现大英图书馆馆所藏瑰宝,共享文学的奥妙。据了解,此次展览历经1年的准备期,集结了夏洛蒂·勃朗特、查尔斯·狄更斯、珀西·比希·雪莱、T. S. 艾略特和D. ……
用英语讲述对中国文化的热爱PAGES 4-5Students talk about their favorite things in China at the English speaking competition finals. ……
《包宝宝》讲述中国式亲情A short animated film about a mother and her steamed bun shows how Chinese parents and their children get along. ……
IQIYIIQIYI《棋魂》讲述热血围棋少年的故事《棋魂》讲述热血围棋少年的故事A group of young Go players beat difficulties and chase their dreams with the help of the “spirit” of a Go master from 1,000 years ago.  ……
LIANRAY PICTURESLIANRAY PICTURES《我的姐姐》讲述重男轻女之痛《我的姐姐》讲述重男轻女之痛PAGE 8PAGE 8A new movie shines a spotlight on Chinese parents’ preference for boys. What can we do to make things more fair for women ……
PROVIDED TO TEENSPROVIDED TO TEENS用画笔 “讲述”党史故事。用画笔 “讲述”党史故事。Students in Wuhan use creative methods to recreate important Party events through art.Students in Wuhan use ……
PROVIDED TO TEENSPROVIDED TO TEENS“Z世代”用长卷插画讲述中国故事。“Z世代”用长卷插画讲述中国故事。A group of young artists use their talent to highlight Chinese culture and diversity.A group of young ……
PHOTOS PROVIDED TO Teens 《少年会客厅》:青年讲述两岸故事《少年会客厅》:青年讲述两岸故事Speakers from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan come together to share their heartfelt experiences Speakers from ……
PROVIDED TO TEENS 裴浩正的《花生满鹿》:用折纸艺术讲述中国故事 裴浩正的《花生满鹿》:用折纸艺术讲述中国故事 Layers of Chinese culture unfold through Pei Haozheng’s artworkLayers of Chinese culture unfold through Pei ……
读者讲述与21世纪报的暖心故事读者讲述与21世纪报的暖心故事Readers share their connections with 21st Century to celebrate its 30th anniversary Readers share their connections with 21st Century ……
如何向世界讲述一个“中国故事”?PAGES 4-5A busy father, chili sauce and an ancient Chinese saying were just a few of the “Chinese stories” that competitors shared at a major English-speaking competition. ……
《米花之味》:讲述留守儿童的亲情故事A woman from Yunnan went back home to reunite with her “left-behind” daughter. But bridging the gap that formed during her years of absence proved to be hard. ……