A: What's wrong? You look like you have ants in your pants!B: I'm waiting for the math exam results2.裤子里的蚂蚁?它用来形容人坐立不安,像蚂蚁爬进了裤子一样,类似中文“急得像热锅上的蚂蚁”。 ……
最毒的蚂蚁Ants are tiny animals. But they can be very dangerous. The bulldog ant (公牛蚁) is the most dangerous one in the world. It is about 2cm long. It lives in Australia. ……
Ant 蚂蚁(名词)Sometimes, millions of ants live in one nest. (有时候数百万只蚂蚁住在一个巢里。)拓展词汇ant queen 蚁后worker ant 工蚁soldier ant 兵蚁本栏目节选自外语教学与研究出版社出版的《外研社少儿英汉汉英词典》。 ……
VCG 很久很久以前,蚂蚁就开始种植真菌了!很久很久以前,蚂蚁就开始种植真菌了!Ants started farming fungi millions of years agoAnts started farming fungi millions of years ago ……
忙碌的小蚂蚁The winter is coming. Ants are really busy finding food for the winter.江苏省海门市常乐中心小学 二(1)班 陆威薇 ……
Ant 小蚂蚁Ant, ant, I am an ant. Work, work, we live to work. World, world, we love the world! 广西省玉林市东环小学四(2)班 龙笔屹 ……
蚂蚁们的晚餐大战A fly4 is a big meal for a small ant. But it’s not enough for three ants. Look! They’re grabbing (抢) the fly. Two ants are pulling (拉) the fly’s legs and one ant is pulling its wing (翅膀 ……
蚂蚁竟然会做截肢手术蚂蚁竟然会做截肢手术Some ants are little “doctors”. They lick (舔) their hurt ant friends. This keeps hurt ants safe from germs (细菌). If an ant’s leg is badly hurt, they carefully bite it off ……
What's this movie about?Lucas is a little boy. He is tired of being bullied(被欺负)by other boys. 他把怨气发泄在院子里的蚂蚁... their ways. 最后,Lucas协助蚂蚁打败了杀虫大盗。He becomes a hero.Learn itbe tired of 厌烦I'm tired of eating carrots every day ……
QIANTUQIANTU蚂蚁能闻出癌细胞蚂蚁能闻出癌细胞Ants can sniff (嗅) out cancer cells (癌细胞) in humans, a new study has found. Scientists think they might be able to use ants to diagnose (诊断) cancer in the future. Dogs can ……
全球蚂蚁数量惊人全球蚂蚁数量惊人Scientists did a study on the number of ants. There are 20,000,000,000,000,000 of them! Together, they weigh (重达) more than all the wild birds and mammals (哺乳动物) in the world ……
野餐时间到了!ant 蚂蚁barbecue2 烧烤sandwich 三明治picnic blanket 野餐毯basket 篮子tent3 帐篷fruit salad 水果沙拉put up a tent 支起帐篷spread4 a picnic blanket 铺开野餐毯uniform 校服barbecue 烧烤tent 帐篷spread 展开 ……
plane?Jan: I had to say goodbye to my pets.Sarah: But you were two hours late!Jan: I have an ant (蚂蚁 ……
” while ants are moving. TNS蚂蚁的世界里没有“交通堵塞”。蚂蚁的世界里没有“交通堵塞”。Ants (蚂蚁) may..., ants think about the whole group. Ants (蚂蚁) may know something that we don’t. Traffic ……
男孩拿小蚂蚁出气,用水枪冲坏它们的家,却遭到报复被缩小到蚂蚁一样大小!US Release Date: August 4BE careful when you step on an ant. It might be bigger than it looks!New in town, 10 year-old Lucas Nickle has found it hard to make ……