IQIYI “元气少女”点亮荧屏“元气少女”点亮荧屏Actress Tian Xiwei is winning hearts with her cheerful characters Actress Tian Xiwei is winning hearts with her cheerful characters ……
IQIYI《山海经》的异兽“跃上”荧屏!《山海经》的异兽“跃上”荧屏!A new TV series draws ideas from the famous Chinese book ‘Shan Hai Jing’A new TV series draws ideas from the famous Chinese book ‘Shan Hai Jing’ ……
《西游记》:电视荧屏上永远的经典。PAGES 4-5China’s first fantasy TV series was, is and probably always will be a fan favorite. What has made it so popular? ……
国产三维动漫《戚继光》正式亮相荧屏。HOW much do you know about Qi Jiguang, the hero who fought against pirates (海盗) during the Ming Dynasty? A TV cartoon named after the hero came out on Oct 10. In the 26-episode ……
热血《哪吒》点燃今夏荧屏。Flying through the sky on the Wind Fire Wheels (风火轮), holding a Fire-tipped Spear (火尖枪) in his hand – Ne Zha is a famous hero in Chinese history.Chinese people see Ne Zha as an example ……
你的荧屏偶像也许只是为了赞助费而吸烟。IT is very common to see actors and actresses smoking casually (漫不经心的) in films. And some people worry that this may encourage young people to try smoking.A study in the latest ……
CA$400,000 (US$308,000) to stop truancy.Cartoon learning新式"黑板"为学习添乐趣A NEW computer screen (荧屏 ……
辛普森爸爸为什么能当选最伟大荧屏形象?词数 122 建议阅读时间 2分钟HOMER Simpson, the most famous cartoon (卡通) dad on TV, has been named the greatest character created for television and film in the past 20 years. The star of long ……
: We could hear the wind howling outside as the storm intensified。杨幂和冯绍峰引爆猜测:他们仅仅是荧屏情侣吗? ……
, especially youngsters (年轻人). Well-received adj.受欢迎的。唐嫣在第三届乐视影视盛典上捧得内地最具人气女演员大奖。作为一个高产的女演员,唐嫣已是电视荧屏上的“熟面 ……
the aisle。另外,文中的become an item意为“成为一对情侣”。荧屏上的“忧郁王子”终于在现实生活中收获美满爱情,一起祝福他吧! ……
. Unlovable是指人“不招人喜欢的”,近义词有unlikable,unpleasant,反义词有endearing“(惹人喜爱的)”。袁珊珊虽获得于正工作室力捧,接连以女一号身份亮相荧屏,可偏 ……
来说,solitude 是积极的独处,loneliness则是消极的孤单感。魔幻现实主义巨作《百年孤独》首登荧屏,12月11日Netflix独家呈现。Solitude和loneliness都是“孤独”的意...孤独》首登荧屏,12月11日Netflix独家呈现。 ……
Zhou Yiran acts in Song of Life. BILIBILI Actress Zhou Yiran is famous for her natural actingActress Zhou Yiran is famous for her natural acting周依然:用灵气演技点亮荧屏周依然:用灵气演技点亮荧屏On Nov 10 ……
高科技使李小龙重登荧屏,凌厉身手再展巨星风采。TWENTY-EIGHT years after he died, Bruce Lee is still alive and kicking (活跃的) — at least, in the movies.South Korea's ShinCine Films is planning to bring him back to cinemas ……