this story about Enki is wrong because we don’t understand the Sumerian (苏美尔人的) language well. They think ……
the stars, develop the written word and organize law.The land was home to theSumerians(苏美尔人) who gave ……
“洋泾浜的流行,已经到了影响国家文化安全的程度。世界文化史上最古老的三种文字——古代埃及人的圣书字、古代苏美尔人的楔形文字和汉字,前两种已经先后于公元前300至400年消亡了。伴随着英语的强势入侵,如果我们再置若罔闻,300年后汉语也将会消亡。”——中国作家协会会员陈先义事件回放国民对汉语的轻视和对英语的盲目崇拜已成为时下社会各界讨论的热点问题,日前,中国作家协会会员陈先义在《光明日报》上发 ……
摘自: 世说新语[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
新游戏带你徜徉海底世界,找寻蔚蓝深处的秘密。Do you like the ocean (海洋) as well as playing video games? Then ABZU is something you should try. Abzu is a word used in old Sumerian (苏美尔人的) stories. “Ab” means ocean and “zu ……
新游戏让你化身潜水者,探索妙趣横生的海底世界。Abzu is a word from the oldest Sumerian (苏美尔人的) stories, coming from the words “ab” (ocean) and “zu” (to know). Giant Squid, a US company, has named its newly developed video ……
中有两项为多余选项。Abzu is a word from the oldest Sumerian (苏美尔人的) stories, coming from the words “ab” (ocean ……