(learn/find sth out) the hard way艰难的,惨痛的教训She learned how to make investments the hard way.她经历了艰难挫折才学会了如何做投资。 ……
高考词汇 various adj. 各种不同的Various bands will be performing at the concert.hardshipn. 困苦,艰难He suffered great hardships throughout his life. ……
艰难的上学路。These girls are notacrobats(杂技演员). They are students in Gongma county, Yunnan. Every day the students have to go across the Nujiang river on arope(绳子). It's on the way to school. Luckily ……
“别气馁。”英语怎么说?Hang in there!例句:I know it's hard right now, but hang in there! Things will get better.我知道现在很艰难,但是请不要气馁,一切都会好的。 ……
看!我像不像一个糯米蛋糕?LOOK at this white whale (白鲸). It is putting on a show in an aquarium (海洋馆) in Japan. The whale has to keep the orange on its head. What a difficult (艰难的) job! It looks like the Japanese ……
LIFE would be tough (艰难的) if you could not see, walk or remember your friends and family. There are many important things in our life we cherish (珍惜) and would hate to lose. The chart on the right ……
Success only comes through hard work.”Xi Jinping, Chinese President“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。” (新华社)12月18日,庆祝... in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics)!”习主席指出,“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。40年来,我们解放思想、实事求是,大胆地试、勇敢地改,干出 ……
Success only comes through hard work.”Xi Jinping, Chinese President“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。” (新华社)12月18日,庆祝...席指出,“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。40年来,我们解放思想、实事求是,大胆地试、勇敢地改,干出了一片新天地。”“艰难困苦,玉汝于成”出自北宋哲学家张载的《正蒙·乾称篇》:“富贵福泽,将厚吾之生也;贫贱忧戚,庸玉 ……
Success only comes through hard work.”Xi Jinping, Chinese President“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。” (新华社)12月18日,庆祝...席指出,“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。40年来,我们解放思想、实事求是,大胆地试、勇敢地改,干出了一片新天地。”“艰难困苦,玉汝于成”出自北宋哲学家张载的《正蒙·乾称篇》:“富贵福泽,将厚吾之生也;贫贱忧戚,庸玉 ……
scored twice!我们赢得了一场艰难的球赛!WE won atough(艰难的) basketball game last week! It was close. We played our ……
. The whole race is 42.2 kilometers. It is thought to be one of the world’s toughest (最艰难的) and most ……
Success only comes through hard work.”Xi Jinping, Chinese President“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。”(新华社)12月18日,庆祝改革开放40... ethnic groups in China.)同时,习主席也一如既往地引经据典,他指出:“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。40年来,我们解放思想、实事求是,大胆地试、勇敢地改,干出了一片新天地。”“艰难 ……
Success only comes through hard work. Xi Jinping, Chinese President“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。”(新华社)12月18日,庆祝改革开放40... ethnic groups in China.)同时,习主席也一如既往地引经据典,他指出:“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。40年来,我们解放思想、实事求是,大胆地试、勇敢地改,干出了一片新天地。”“艰难 ……
“Success only comes through hard work.”Xi Jinping,Chinese President“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。”(新华社)12月18日,庆祝改革开放40... of all ethnic groups in China)!” 同时,习主席也一如既往地引经据典,他指出:“艰难困苦,玉汝于成。40年来,我们解放思想、实事求是,大胆地试、勇敢地改,干出 ……
I’m gonna survive大雨倾盆中从天而降的火花重新点亮了灯塔海面卷起小小的浪花我的心亦如乌云般不安天空何时变得如此昏暗?希望之光何时回转?我已挣扎了一夜但终能重获新生太阳将要升起这些都是美好时光啊生命之战是如此艰难,艰难,艰难但我能战胜一切 ……