高考后出国留学成潮流 师资力量是培训核心
人民币汇率提升以及国际化教育理念的渗透,通过参加SAT培训,申请就读美国高校已成为不少高考落榜生甚至优秀高中生的选择。受国内考生人数增加影响,香港从去年起又增加了3个SAT考点。在国内高校招生大潮尚未袭来前,国内SAT培训...等前期准备的时间提前至高二下半学期甚至更早。除了在课程设置上花样百出外,外语培训机构对于培训核心--SAT培训教师的挑选也十分严格。叶明表示,因为SAT考试是"美国高考",其内容很多涉及国外的文化与历史,所以 ……
国内考生已近2000名 英语思维能力至关重要
随着近年来中国学生赴美就读大学本科的热潮不断升温,被国内称为“美国高考”的SAT考试(Scholastic Assessment Test)也吸引了不少中国考生。12月2日,SAT将在全球同步举行本年度最后一次考试,又一批国内中学生即将跨入“美国高考”的考场 。据悉,迄今为止,参加SAT考试的国内考生已接近2000名,国内SAT考试培训的主力军新东方集团培训的SAT学员接近5000人。据悉 ……
素有“美国高考”之称的SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)考试10月份考试的成绩日前发布。据了解,中国考生在此次考试中表现出色,10余名来自北京的考生成绩超过2200分...根据各专业和学校的要求选择科目考试。 SAT考试成绩是美国高校遴选海外留学生时的重要参考依据之一。目前,近3500所美国高校认可SAT成绩。目前,SAT考试在香港和台湾设立了考点。SAT每年举行7次考试,分别为1月、5月、6 ……
优秀成绩(由于SAT官方机构未发布考生成绩,徐柠汐一度被我国媒体誉为“美国高考全球状元”),而SAT成绩在2100分以上便可申请美国前10名高校,哈佛大学的入学分数为2160分。SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申请进入美国大学学习及获得奖学金的首要参考。且慢为徐柠汐欢呼按照中国的教育模式培养出来的中国考生,到香港去参加美国高考,成绩居然接近满分,一些 ……
美国高考与大陆无缘。THEMinistry of Education(教育部) recentlydenied(否认) the reports that Chinese high school students will be able to take the American College Test (ACT) on the Chinese mainland next year ……
SAT成绩让我明白:有了耕耘才会有收获。词数 292 课件见网站 建议阅读时间 5分钟SEVERAL days ago, I got my SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test,美国高考) grades — 2050 (out of 2400).The SAT is held seven times a year, and each student can take ……
词数 315 建议阅读时间 6分钟THE question every student asks is, “What's going to be on the test?" Here is what's on the SAT (美国高考): The reading section (部分) has three types of questions, 1) sentence completion ……
12岁的小男孩征服美国高考数学题。ARE you good at math? Now let’s see if you can answer the following question. Find.... It’s as difficult as the college entrance examination (高考) in China. Colin Xie, 12, an eighth-grader ……
如何应对SAT考试中的数学题?MOST of the math on the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test,美国高考) is from subjects Chinese students studied long before high school. Although it is simple, many Chinese students struggle ……
Tips for SAT math success如何应对SAT考试中的数学题?MOST of the math on the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test,美国高考) is from subjects Chinese students studied long before high school. But although it is simple, many ……
. Still, they have to be pretty, thin and get a perfect score on SAT (美国高考)."It seems that you're ……
Shanghai. One-tenth of her classmates have taken TOEFL or SATs (美国高考).Everything is expensive when it comes ……
词数 313 建议阅读时间 4分钟 测试见 7版 课件和教案见网站EVERYONE dreams of the day that they’ll enter high school: The busy hallways, the teachers, the SAT (美国高考) exam, but most important, the football games.Now that I am ……
, Singapore or New Zealand to take the SATs (美国高考) as there are no test centers on the mainland...美国校园里中国学生激增。词数 345 建议阅读时间 7分钟 IT''S an admissions (录取) officer''s dream: plenty of applications ……
States, an excellent SAT (美国高考) score doesn''t secure a teenager a place in the Ivy League, either... universities will focus on a student''s overall record and not simply grades.Teens点金高考词汇 distinguish vt ……