: 编造假的理由来掩盖事实。 ……
得有个剧本呀。But can we “cook” a story? Yes! “cook up”在这里是“虚构、编造”的意思。 ……
(编造) stories.” ……
for breakfast: 我是否有荣幸与你共进早餐。2. make up: 编造,捏造。3. get rid of me: 摆脱我,让我滚蛋。4. Oh yeah: 啊,是吗。嘲讽的语气,潜台词是:行,编,有本事你继续编。5. Ringo Starr: 是六、七十年代风靡全球的甲壳虫乐队的鼓手,也是该乐队在世的两名成员之一。Ringo是个少见的名字,所以很明显Lucy是在编造。6. McCartney: 在 ……
of postgraduates in China in 2010. (第468期,P2)句中词组make up的意思是“组成”。这个词组还有“编造,化妆”的意思。1) Girls ____________________ (几乎占80%) of the class in the English department. 2) When Tom was late, he ____________________ (编造 ……
以表示“伪造”。Falsify多指伪造文件、证件等,其形容词是false(假的)。Fabricate多指编造故事、捏造事实等,同义词为make up。Fake 多指仿造、假冒...)。Fabricate多指编造故事、捏造事实等,同义词为make up。Fake 多指仿造、假冒某物,如fake news (假新闻)。 ……
don??t believe her.她旅行回来后,编造了很多谎言,包括她被捕的事情。我不相信。yarn故事His yarns are always funny. I wonder why so ……
据路透社近日报道,尽管澳大利亚总理陆克文流利的普通话令中国人赞叹,但他夹杂着大量术语的英文却时常让本国人摸不着头脑。不少澳大利亚媒体对陆克文的英语作出评价:“他有时似乎是在自己编造一种语言。”《星期日时代报》资深专栏作家Tom Hyland说。《悉尼晨驱报》则列举了陆克文经常使用的缩略语,如EWS(early-warning system,预警系统)、RTP(right to protect ……
into abuses at a South Texas prison in 2006. A bogus (假的,伪造的) charge means "a false charge" (编造的罪名). "On its ……
高考词汇take time off (from sth) (从……中)抽出一部分时间I asked my boss if I could take some time off (from work) to go to the dentist.fictional adj. 虚构的,编造的She wrote a fictional story about a family living during ……
楼梯间的“怪兽”Today, Imran makes up (编造) a monster story. He wants to scare (吓唬) his sister, Shaz. “Fang is a monster,” Imran says to Shaz. “He lives in the cupboard (橱柜) under the stairs. He’s big ……
. That night at home, my family thinks I’m making everything up (编造). Do you believe me? Can I become Rosabelle ……
他的编辑发现他在最近的一篇特写中捏造了基本事实。concoct vt.编造He concocted an elaborate lie to explain to his mom why he didn't come home last night.他编造了一个长篇大谎向他妈解释昨晚为什么没有回家。fudge vt.伪造或扭曲She fudged parts of her resume in hopes of getting a high ……
-Youm newspaper: “This is completely fake (编造的). Cleopatra was Greek, meaning that she was light..., told the Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper: “This is completely fake (编造的). Cleopatra was Greek, meaning ……
.make up v. 构成,形成,组成be made up of由……构成用法:make up还表示"弥补;和好;编造,化妆"The committee is made up ……