人们的日常生活每天都被各种各样的数字所包围:电话号码、银行账户、比赛分数等等。最近,一本专门记录另类数据统计的书在英国吸引了读者注意。据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国出版的这本名为Numeroids: Any Number Of Things You Didn’t Know. . . And Some You Did的书中记录了许多与数字有关的趣事,其中一些涉及英语语言的统计 ……
专任教师1672.85万人 高等教育毛入学率48.1%
教育部近期发布了2018年全国教育事业发展统计公报。数据显示,2018年,全国共有各级各类学校51.88万所,比上年增加5017所,增长0.98%;各级各类学历教育在校生2.76亿人,比上...,专任教师973.09万人,九年义务教育巩固率94.2%。根据公报的统计数据,全国各类高等教育在学总规模达到3833万人,高等教育毛入学率达到48.1%。全国共有普通高等学校2663所(含独立学院265所 ……
【Editor’s. note:. ……
14 millionTHIS was the number of people living in poverty in China by the end of 2007, said the National Statistics Bureau (国家统计局) on December 5. China has made great achievements in poverty ……
tree census树木统计There are about 3 trillion trees on Earth, roughly 422 for every person. That’s one... of deforestation and land-use changes.Census本指“人口普查”,这里表示“对树木数量的统计”,也可说tree counts。 ……
近日,第四届中国学术期刊国际影响力高层论坛发布《中国学术期刊国际引证年报》(2023版)。2023版年报采用的统计源包括国际期刊、会议论文、图书等,其中国际统计源期刊共23572种。年报统计...是Chinese Jounal of Applied Linguistics和《外语界》。近日,第四届中国学术期刊国际影响力高层论坛发布《中国学术期刊国际引证年报》(2023版)。2023版年报采用的统计 ……
2001年中国国民生产总值居世界第六THE National Bureau of Statistics (国家统计局) announced that China's gross domestic product (GDP) (国民生产总值) grew by 7.3 percent to reach 9.85 trillion (万亿) yuan (over US$1.19 trillion ……
中国家庭上网人数居全球第二CHINA has beaten Japan to become the second largest at-home Internet population (家庭上网人数) in the world. Nielsen/NetRatings, a US measurement service (统计机构), reported its findings last ……
the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949. The National Bureau of Statistics (国家统计局) predicts ……
EVERY day, there are new albums coming out. It might seem like all is well in the recording industry. But statistics (统计数据) suggest that it isn’t.Last year the music business in the world’s largest ……
越多的教师想通过科学、严谨的评价来帮助其调整、完善教学决策,进而落实“教—学—评”一体化的要求,但往往会被“统计分析”“量化分析”“统计软件”等概念击退。随着《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》的颁布,深化新时代教育评价改革工作推进会的召开,中考省级统一命题、新高考等热点政策的到来,英语 ……
(统计数据), the average price at the 2024 beer festival increased by 3.87 percent. The rise in prices...). According to official statistics (统计数据), the average price at the 2024 beer festival increased by 3.87 ……
's population, says theNational Bureau of Statistics(国家统计局). How to say whether a person is from the country ……
.In Australia, the Board of Statistics (统计部) said that a better guide is medals per head of population, which ……
梅西领跑全球射手榜。WHO is the best soccer player in the world? The IFFHS (国际足球历史和统计联合会) announced (宣布) the top goal scorer (最佳射手) of 2012. It was Lionel Messi from Argentina. From January to October 9th ……